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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by trixicat

  1. Im just thinking what will happen after the update: 1st: the troll behaviour will slightly change. Instead of recklessly overtaking the troll may do more direct ramming 2nd: at the CD the amount of accidents will increase, as the players need more time to overtake slower trucks. 3rd: you will lose some of your player base, because they cant join the servers. you basically removed the number of available slots by about 2500. 4th the trolls will spread out a bit more evenly between Simulation1 and Simulation2, which results in anger for those players, that drove at eu1 + eu3 before, as they are encountering more trolls
  2. Yes it might help to adjust the dead zone, but as I told I have not much experience with controller. And yes, you should try to brake before the corner. And you should look ahead when driving. Be prepared for mistakes of other people driving around. Your description of your driving skill sounds terrible. So I would recommend you to stay away from CD road, until your driving skill improved.
  3. Hello, as Duskie said above, it depends on your control interface. What may irretates you, is that the game is made for trucks, so the car behavious partly more like at truck, than a car. Espacially the center of mass is calculated way to high for the car, which makes you more likely to tipp over. if your diving with keyboard, i also can agree at this key holding. Another Problem with car, is that its very sensitive to bumps at the road. Another nice tipp: be careful with braking in corners, it makes car uncontrollable. The car also under/oversteers a lot it takes some training to get used to it, but at the same time, its contrallable. i would recommend to goto eu4, to test and find your setting. As this is a non - collision server, so normal traffic rules dont apply, so it doesnt matter if you crash. here a report video with lots of driving from myself, driving with keyboard. you can clearly see, im always tipping the key when driving around the corner.
  4. There was an announcement at discord, that they eventually will remove the restricted zone for double trailers. However, as there is still no official rule change it might be technically bannable, if you try to bypass the restriction. Quote from official truckersmp discord:
  5. i strongly agree at this suggestion, even though i have bought all DLC.
  6. yes, the train crossings arent synched anymore
  7. Well, at first im just a player. But the scenario you described would be bannable for both of you. This is reckless and worth a ban, as he caused the collision. Overtaking itself isnt forbidden, however i dont recommend overtaking in high traffic area (like CD-Road), as if you have oppsite traffic and you cant overtake in time and cause an accident, it would be your fault. well, if you fight him, you also cause a collsion, which makes it bannable for yourself, too,.
  8. Can be Closed, i just noticed i can deactivate the DLC =) Route is still Base game
  9. Im asking about this piece of road: Edit: im asking as i want to make a training track for my convoy guiding Company.
  10. Does somebody have a detailed map, where Viva La france DLC starts near Paris?
  11. thx for help everybody. did work nicely. topic can be closed
  12. Is it possible and legal in TMP to put a Canopy Paintshop on an 8wheeled Scania Steamline Truck with save editing? And if so, how you do it?
  13. trixicat


    There ist also a Link to the steam profile from the ingame player tab list
  14. Do you have the Italia DLC? If not you have to wait a few hours, as destination city is ancona right now.
  15. Well, if you follow to speed limits you dont brake any rules. But you arent intentionally block users. You also also arent allowed to block the opposite lane, if somebody tries to overtake you, even it is forbidden to overtake there in the first place. 1st: you arent allowed to use any Police items on your car, which gets you autokicked 2nd: you arent allowed to use any name or tag, that looks like you are an truckersmp stuff. Some example: Police, Admin, Moderator, Traffic Control, Security, etc (list not completed) isnt allowed. 3rd: you arent allowed to act like a moderator, etc. Espacially you arent allowed to manage the traffic. If you block the road for that purpose, it is bannable, even if you have good intentions. Its the job of the game managers to control the traffic 4th: you also arent allowed to use freecam constantly to report users. If you see someone braking the rules, while you are driving and then go into freecam to find the player again it is okay. maybe you should read the rules again: https://truckersmp.com/rules here some rules, we are dicussing about: §1.5 - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind ... Impersonating other users, staff members, political figures, law enforcement, leaders and authorities of any kind or acting like someone who is more superior. This can be through the way you drive, use the voice chat, your avatar, your license/interior plates, username and/or your in-game tag. Avatars, usernames and in-game tags need to be appropriate and cannot contain offensive content in any way and are not exempted from light insults. Your name must consist of only alphanumeric characters or else it will be changed by staff without notification. Linking or providing access to unsafe websites or content. §2.3 - Blocking* Restricting a user's travel path, blocking entrances to highways or other entry points or anything similar. §2.6 - Useless Traffic / Inappropriate parking* Repeatedly driving to and from an area of high population with no aim other than to cause more traffic. Parking or stopping in areas of high population for no reason. This applies to areas with 25+ users. Using the designated car parks is fine when there is low traffic in the area. §2.7 - Inappropriate Convoy Management / Car Abuse Convoy pilots are not permitted to slow down, block or control traffic, acting as a moderator and otherwise abusing the pilot scheme paint job. You are not permitted to take a convoy into highly populated area intentionally. This can include (but is not limited to) Calais, Duisburg, Calais-Duisburg road or surrounding areas.
  16. There is no point in that. If you just blacklist cars for those player, they will do the same stuff with trucks. Remember its the driver, not the vehicle. -1
  17. Ich denke das Hauptproblem ist, das an diesem Tag schon mehrere andere Deutschsprachige Konvois stattfinden.
  18. Well. Don't cut the video to short, so the game mods can see what lead to the accident. So go with as short as possible, as long as needed. I think you need at least 15 to 30 seconds, depending what happened. It's also useful to have the /pinfo or an ingame report in your video. As the video evidence has to be within a month, you also should add the /time command. A short description what when happened might be useful, especially if there are a lot of other players around or it's hard to spot. There you also can tell which rules where broken in your opinion.
  19. well, i think the biggest convoys are those from the truckersmp events. They've done several 24h convoys with event server. At this server there were multiple hundret players i think, no idea basically. now from private convoys: i know the convoy guarding company im member of, called ConSec (convoy security), guided convoys up to 150 people. No idea what was the biggest private convoy internationally.If you get more than 100 people for your personal event, you also can get your own event server.
  20. trixicat

    Bug ?

    3 vermutungen: 1. Sollte dein Bruder mit WLAN verbunden sein, kann es sein, das es zu verbindungsaussetzern kommt 2. durch die gemeinsame internetnutzung wird die Leitung geteilt. Es kann einfach sein, das die Kapazität eurer Leitung zu klein ist, wenn beide spielen. Wenn du surfst (vor allem video guggst oder dinge downloadest), bremst du ihn aus und er bekommt probleme bei online spielen (wie tmp, aber auch bei anderen) 3. die CPU von deinem Bruder ist schwächer als deiner und kommt mit dem rendern nicht hinterher. Dazu versuchen die grafikeinstellungen zu drossen. In den Spieleinstellungen unter Gameplay, gibt es einen Schieberregler mit zufälligen Straßenereignissen. Diesen bitte ganz nach Links stellen, damit diese aus sind. Die Ereignisse sind im multiplayer nicht synchronisiert und einige Sachen werden gar nicht richtig angezeigt. 1. Möglichkeit: du hast ganz einfach die Handbremse vergessen 2. Möglichkeit: du wurdest von einem anderen Spieler gerammt Ich sollte dir hier jetzt auch sagen, das du nachdem Tanken von der Tanksäule auf einen ordentlichen Parkplatz fahren sollte. Wenn du länger als zum reinen Tanken an der Tanksäule stehst, zählt das als Blocking, weil die Tankstellen keine non collision zone haben. (Handbremse nicht vergessen)
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