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Omor Sadi

Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Omor Sadi

  1. Happy Birthday :) 

    1. FirePhoenixx


      Sorry for the late reply but thanks!

  2. f7mnsYi.jpg

    1. JJay


      Nice pictures mate :rolleyes: I cannot add more reactions :(

    2. alexisjaragt [CHILE]

      alexisjaragt [CHILE]

      esta muy bonita la combinación de colores 

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      great photo and Scania :wub:

  3. Thanks for the follow ❤️

  4. Good Night 

    My DAF is also sleepy :P


  5. Please Help!


    The player distance in ATS is showing players from very far away. Is this my game problem or TMP problem.

    My game is not Freezed. I can see players moving. :(



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omor Sadi

      Omor Sadi

      @Sysgen Hi, im actually new in ATS. Is this a common problem?


    3. Sysgen


      Not a problem,  just a bug that's never been fixed I believe. 

      I used to get constant reports in game from a player a while ago, he beleived that the players with such high distance were cheaters :) he kept reporting them, I asked him to stop but he would not, I had to kick him so he would stop!

    4. BubbleMuscles


      I think its not a problem on ATS ,i also face this

  6. I love the moon. Got it from a Graphics Mod. :love:




    Good Night ;)







  7. Every STEAM sale brings NEW PLAYERS in Truckersmp and the accidents in EU2 rises.:troll:

  8. :tmp: :DHAPPY BIRTHDAY :D :tmp:

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