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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Hatsjer

  • Birthday 01/25/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norway, Stavanger!
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Stavanger
  • Known languages
    Norwegian, English

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  1. Happy Birthday  

  2. Very well. I'll re-write it when I have the opportunity.
  3. Sadly, I don't own ATS, so I was unaware of this.
  4. Before you all bash on me saying: "The games are made for trucking simulator, not for racing!" yeah, yeah.. I know, I know... Suggestion Name: Organized Racing Suggestion Description: I think it would be very fun and exciting to try and organize a race across the map, on a dofferent, perhaps even own dedicated server, with no collisions, and increased fuel consumptions, so you also need to keep fuel in mind. (Only for refill. No price.) Damage disabled, and should the driver get struck / crash and land on their side / roof (I did that a LOT), then press one button, and they would respwan in the air back on their wheels. Part of the reason behind this suggestion is because I found it very amusing how differently the car in ETS2MP acted from the trucks. Weight, acceleration, mass and turn radius. Any example images: None existent. Why should it be added?: When I raced by myself in offline, did I have a lot of fun. I want to hear your thoughts! Yay? Nay? Whatev? I'm currently asking friends if they like the idea, but I can count on one hand how many people I know who have played ETS2 in the past 2 months.
  5. ^ Thank You for your reply, and also thank you for sending me a PM about your reply.. If I didn't check my emails, then I'd never come back to this post. I will be busy for the majority of the day today, but later today will I see what I can do. Do note though, that even when I do have free time, are there chances that other things might get a bigger priority than this. One of these things might require me to re-install my entire OS. But that will remain as an absolute last resort. Edit: Submitted ticket.
  6. The lack of reponse and support saddens me. I suppose I'll have to resolve to not play MP anymore...
  7. Some people might notice that this is my 2nd post regarding this issue. That's because the first one I made has been closed and moved to unsolved due to inactivity, whitch was due to lack of response. (Not from me, mind you.) As the tile says: I'm having this issue in MP where the game freezes when I try to sleep and/or quick travel to reset my economy. And before you ask: Force_economy_reset 1 Does NOT work! Do I have this issue in SP? No. Do I have any mods? No. Crashlog? Where is it located? When did this issue begin? I noticed it first on the 21st of Jan, 2016. I am hoping there will be more activity and/or helpful questions / advice here. If not, will I be forced to not play MP anymore, which I do not wish to resort to.
  8. ^I tried to locate the FAQ, but surprisngly was I unable to find it. How do I find the crashlog?
  9. Still having this issue.
  10. No mods. I have never had this issue before.
  11. Just checked. Nope.
  12. Haven't played it in a while, and decided to pick it up again. But whenever I try to fast travel or sleep to reset my jobs (And progress my crew) does the game crash. (Yes I am aware of the force job reset file edit solution, but would prefer to avoid it, because I want to progress my crew in the time jump.)
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