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Veteran Driver VII
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About FairladyZ

  • Birthday 06/11/1996

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  • Interests
    Aviation, Gaming, Cars and Music
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
  • Known languages
    French, Dutch, English

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  5. https://steamdb.info/app/541260/ He's coming!
  6. Something is in the works for ATS i guess. :P



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. videogamer


      it's possible that they started working on the map rescale before they announced it to the public

    3. FairladyZ


      Totally possible, indeed. Also, it could be a beta for something else, the VNL maybe? :P

       Time will tell. :)

    4. videogamer


      it could also be the adjustable steering wheel update that was mentioned again today

  7. Coming back after 2 days, 28 notifications from Panda.


    Eh. O.o

  8. The only way it could be kinda fixed is creating custom assets for those parts. A look-a-like part that would act like a fallback if you don't have the DLC. Atleast create a fallback just for the rear lights since they are really needed.
  9. - Verify game content on ETS2 (Steam > Right click on ETS2 > Local content > verify integrity of game cache) - Reinstall T:MP and make sure the game directory is correct when it asks you to choose your ETS2/ATS folder - Make sure you have a 64bit OS - Make sure you have admin rights on the computer - Make sure both T:MP and ETS2/ATS are updated to the latest version.
  10. Could you post the game.log.txt?
  11. You might also want to run the Launcher as admin.
  12. Someone from SCS forums found this in the game files:



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Forerunner


      And the old tandem trailer.

    3. FairladyZ


      Hopefully one day they'l be released! :D


      @Mr Panda


    4. RayRay5


      give me forum link pls <3

  13. la map d'ATS est actuellement a 1:34, et elle va être agrandie a 1:20, qui est une taille similaire a celle d'ETS2.( 1:19/1:20)
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