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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About MarkON

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Lublin

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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MarkON's Achievements


Explorer (5/13)

  • Old Timer
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Single Status Update

See all updates by MarkON

  1. ProMods 2.66 development cycle



    • 16 July 2023 - ProMods development version switched to version 1.48
    • 17 July 2023 - ProMods 2.66 beta 1 released to senior testers
    • 5 August 2023 - ProMods 2.66 beta 2 released to senior testers
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 beta 3 released to senior testers
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 release candidate 1 released to senior and junior testers
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 media build released to promoters
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 release candidate 2 released to senior and junior testers
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 release candidate 3 released to senior and junior testers
    • ??? - ProMods 2.66 release


    source: https://promods.net/viewtopic.php?t=45051

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