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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by SpeedyTMP

  1. Happy Birthday buddy ?

  2. long time no see buddy, good to see your back ?

    1. The Flying Yorkshireman

      The Flying Yorkshireman

      cheers lad appreciated 4 the follow & great 2 be back maybe see u on the the roads ov the promods server take it eze

  3. Happy birthday buddy

  4. Congratulations on being a nub ? 

    1. Rider.
    2. SpeedyTMP


      okay we both nubs ?


  5. Admin Livestream, Come hang out see how Game Moderators work. https://www.twitch.tv/speedy_tmp

  6. Going Live doing some Admin work come watch how Admins work ❤️ 

  7. Going Live on Twitch, Come watch me do some Admeening ?

  8. Ever wondered what Admins do in game? Come join my stream and find out ?


  9. Guess who's back on Twitch ? Having a Drive and doing some Admeen work  


    1. Deli|Yürek


      It's good to see you on twitch again, I'm watching your broadcasts with pleasure.

    2. Fast-rider


      It was a great stream :HaulieLove:

  10. Guess who's back on Twitch ? Having a Drive and doing some Admeen work  

  11. thanks for the follow buddy ❤️

    1. Turtle


      Thank you for the follow also! ❤️

  12. Well today has been certainly different ?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fønix_TMP


      Keep being a legend speedy .... they cannae stop the speed! 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      sorry to hear that ? hope you get your discord back soon ?

    4. Rider.


      We all miss you Speedy, I hope everything resolves soon tbh ??

  13. Congrats buddy ❤️

    1. Darkstar.


      Thanks ❤️ Your stuck with me again now :troll:

  14. είναι καλό να σε επιστρέψω ?

    1. Doxxyz


      ? thanks , hope we get our drives back on track soon

  15. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Come join the fun ❤️

  16. congrats buddy ❤️


    1. Beau.


      Thank you Speedy ❤️

  17. I want to wish all Everyone a Merry Christmas. I think this year has been a great year for the community and the Staff have worked very hard over the last 12 months to improve the enjoyment of our platform with the introduction of our new ProMods servers, VTC system and our patron memberships. I am looking forward to see all the new exciting things that will be coming in 2020. I would like to take the time to thank all of the TMP Staff for their hard work and commitment over the last 12 months and i am sure you will all agree that a lot has changed for the better. 

    1. Guest


      Merry Christmas to you too.?

  18. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Doing a Black Sea Giveaway today. Come join the fun ❤️

  19. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Come join the fun ❤️

  20. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Come join the fun ❤️

  21. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Come join the fun ❤️

  22. Going LIVE doing some Admin Work/Drive. Come join the fun ❤️

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