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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by sgpch1983

  1. @Kat_pw seam your stream is broken.. also i still would like to know if there are some sort of results yet?
  2. any updates or results yet @Kat_pw ??
  3. looks like regardless of hoster.. the limit is around 2800 players.. maybe want to work some more on the tmp server software
  4. dont have drivers in mp is the best one can tell in this situation.
  5. thank you @Kat_pw it works well in windows 7 to bad all the windows 8 and spydows 10 people have problems with it lol
  6. eu2 offline?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FirestarteR93


      ^just went on, connected without any trouble

    3. Mirko9


      be patient my friend :) everything will be again good ,try eu1 or eu3 

    4. sgpch1983


      look at the live status page.. failed to ping aka offline.. eu3 is nealy empty as of the live status page.. are the status pages buggy than??

  7. becouse scs pushed another patch today after the laucher and tmp patch was released.. dont know what changed in .3 to .2
  8. im missing the custom start options like "-nointro" or for ets2 "-64" as the laucher could start the 32bit ets2 version! pls add custom start options for ets and ats or make sure the startoptions in steam are used.. workd with the old client no problem, should not be a problem for the new launcher.
  9. some places dont need bigger no-collision-zones.. thay need patient and realistic drivers.. its not about first in first out.. and your load will not go bad becouse you have to wait a minute. :-S
  10. dlc and dlc patch version not compatible yet with tmp.. uninstall the dlc and downgrade to beta 1.26 if you want to play tmp at the moment! mwl is for sure working on a new tmp patch to support the dlc.
  11. thanks very much, but at the moment of writing this steam is acting up.. doesnt load the pages, crashes etc. oh well till the support patch from tmp ill have time.. ill try to buy later again edit: got it
  12. looks like after 1.26/viva la france dlc, the road is clear and open again becouse anyone moved to paris.
  13. http://store.steampowered.com/app/531130 and there it is in store to add to wishlist.
  14. and no renault ranger t.. i guess the volvo group (owner of renault trucks) takes its sweet time to hand out the licence... and i also guess thats also true for the ats volvo vnl.. but it looks great.. lets hope the tram/streetcar, all the trailers etc. can be made working in tmp. the road with the tower will be a interesting place in mp.. i already see unpatient people crash in to that and cars driving on the sidework throuh it. :/
  15. can you guys imagine a trip from stockholm or uppsala to bordeaux? wow the only thing evern more cool(?!) will be in ats from san fran to new york lol
  16. -1 for this.. there is planty space.. its all about driving skill and patience!
  17. so do i understand this correctly.. the rail crossings are now synced? what about the constructionzone traffic lights?? thank you.
  18. is the wheels dlc and the halloween paintjob dlc for ats supported by now?? just asking.
  19. now waiting for with ats support of the new truck, steeringwheels dlc, hellowane paint dlc and soon after for the rescale of ats and for the france dlc.. maybe not exactly with these version number or in this order.. but thats in short what will come soon.
  20. disregard this, im sorry i seen @mwl4's post about just now.. thanks for the info. communication problem solved
  21. sry i think you misunderstand me here @DesertEagle26 i want to know from @mwl4 or @Kat_pw why the dlc doesnt get support by now.
  22. and still no schwarzmüller -.- why would be a nice info.
  23. thank you for the 1.25.3 update.. any news about the schwarzmüller dlc support please???
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