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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by LintonM

  1. Back after not being online on the forum for so long. 

    1. Chance The Pup
    2. MarkON




      Great to see you on the TruckersMP forum again ?

      Hope you have a nice time ?

  2. Hi, haven't been activate lately.

  3. Happy New Years ya'll

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Happy New Year  ?

  4. new Years for me in about 48 minutes

  5. im back on the tmp forum now, idk how active ill be

  6. encountered troll today, rip

    1. LintonM


      This is my first time seeing a troll like this on MTA btw.

  7. I posted a /fix suggestion in September and just now got declined because somebody decided to look at a newer post before mine


    1. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      If you have a problem with that you should make a feedback ticket about it. https://truckersmp.com/feedback 

  8. Why did no one wish me a happy birthday?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #BlueLivesMatter88


      :RIP: lol i messaged u on discord but no reply 

    3. LintonM


      @RobJJthat acc jgot deleted

  9. It's that month! Are you ready? I am. I got my truck painted for Valentines Day

  10. Thank you for using Dark theme, you're helping your eyes by using the Dark Theme.


    Bruh, why are you using the Light theme? Do you realise that you are hurting your eyes? Please use the Dark Theme, thank you.

  11. 2 people will report me. I lost control of my car. I didn't record it; would I still get banned?

    1. Kehox


      next time, just drive more safely and if you get ban you can make a : https://truckersmp.com/appeals , and explain the situation.. and admin do not ban every accident.. if it was a mistake learn from it and be more carefull.. and if you are lucky you will mayby not have a ban. safety is priority.

  12. Can you ban this player called Linton so I can use the name Linton? Thanks mods :troll:

    1. LintonM


      It was a joke, but okay.

  13. pls help, i installed vtlog to ets2 but it keeps crashing when i press ok on sdk features

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AshlynsGaming


      AH, I recommend joining their discord and ask the staff about your problem. 

    3. LintonM


      @Paige Okay, thanks


    4. AshlynsGaming
  14. Why can we own Krone trailers but not Schwarzmüller trailers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Schwarzmüller was made before trailer ownership was ever a thing where as Krone was made when trailer ownership was also being made

    3. LintonM


      Wait, so I WASTED MY MONEY on a DLC others can get for free?


    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      No you didn't, the standard trailers are not Schwarzmuller trailers

  15. We will have an infinite amount of ppl in queue on eu2 and blow up truckersmp's server when update comes out

    1. antrax737


      That plus 2 more C-D roads i'd guess :D

    2. LintonM


      Yep, 1 will be on ATSmp

  16. My 3rd or 4th pair of headphones broke. Anyone have any suggestions for headphones?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      HyperX Cloud 2 or Pro 

    3. JxGamer


      BL4CK$K1LL HyperX Cloud 2 or Pro will be purchased as soon as HyperX Cloud 1 breaks, but that may take a while

  17. Proof Skoda is in America.


    What do you have to say now?

    1. TimeTimes


      "The only Skoda Superb in the USA"
      So you're saying only one player can drive it in ATS :P?

      *Edit: it is nice they're coming to ATS

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      I'm looking forward to it :) 

  18. Why is there a light?

  19. I found something missin in ATS 1.32 beta. I'm only using doubles rn tho


    1. The P

      The P

      You can report in this section.

    2. LintonM


      @KaanthosThanks, but someone already reported it.

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      this is just a beta :) 

  20. Where do I report bugs to SCS Software because in 1.32 beta, I found some roads missing.



    1. tfmpillow


      Looks like they're still working on the fuel stations. Not a bug, because the version you're playing on is a open beta, which means parts can be missing.

    2. [VIVA] Dejonckheere2002

      [VIVA] Dejonckheere2002

      Parts can always be missing but sometimes it's just normal because the player isn't actually allowed to see it or isn't able to see it.

  21. I changed politi to politician gXUdyMl.png


  22. Does anyone know any Better FPS mods for ATS compatible with 1.31? I keep lagging randomly in cities.

    1. LintonM


      Okay, thanks for the suggestion. I'll be sure to try it next time I play ATS.

  23. When SCS Software lets us own trailers, I'll finally get a trailer with whatever I want on it, and chrome wheels.

    1. Guest



  24. I have the Tesla Semi mod for ETS2. Let me know if you find skins for it.

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