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About artur6768

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brasil, São Paulo
  • Interests
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main
  • Known languages
    Brazilian portuguese(PT-BR),a little Spanish(ES-ES),And a little English(EN-EN)

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  1. Suggestion Name: A tall trucks divert sign for the new Duisburg bridge Suggestion Description: Recently, I was making a journey with the locomotive cargo, but i didn't know that Duisburg had changed, so I continued my journey as usual while enjoying the new area, when suddenly I crashed in the new bridge because it was too small, (as show in video) so I think that would be a great addition a warning for the drivers that they must divert if the cargo is too tall, as it would avoid new major accidents. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/307538159091187713/1022967044712452157/vlc-record-2022-09-23-17h24m25s-2022-09-23_16-49-40.mkv-.mp4 Any example images: Why should it be added?: With this addition, new accidents like I unfortunately made, would be less likely to happen.
  2. Suggestion Name: Increase max draw distance Suggestion Description: Now, the max distance a player appears is 800m in tab, and 500m in render distance, It would be great if the distance in tab were increased to 1800m, and render distance to 1500m. Why should it be added?: If the draw distance and render distance where increased, situations like in this video would be mitigated, and could potentially decrease accidents.
  3. Okay, i will stop.
  4. *Uno reverse card*
  5. Ignore this post (double post due lag)
  6. How to win a game that you can't win ?
  7. Good video, but here in south hemisphere the summer are coming
  8. Bom, acho que a única solução será criar sua própria conta no Steam e comprar o ETS2, após isso jogar por no mínimo 2 horas e se registrar novamente no Truckers MP Boa sorte.
  9. yes.
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