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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Carrythxd

  1. Yeah I was asking about SP, forgot to specify. But thanks, I'll keep looking around and see if I can find them. Just wanted to ask in case SCS had disabled them from the WoT Contracts since I couldn't find any even after visiting multiple cities that were mentioned in the email
  2. Does anybody know if it's possible to do the Special Transport DLC cargoes via World of Trucks Contracts?
  3. Added a German translation for the software list, thanks to Zelcrum for the translation! If anybody else has any translations for the list, feel free to share them and I'll add them to the topic!
  4. So I visited Rotterdam earlier today...


    1. Empirekicking


      that's nothing lol

    2. FirestarteR93


      139 reasons to stay out of Rotterjam

  5. Congrats TMP team! That is one amazing milestone!
  6. Anybody else excited to play Forza Horizon 3 on PC? Forza's seem to be finally making their way to PC thanks to Win 10 :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DMGangster


      yep i am, but i cant... To bad system stats... Even The Forza Horizon 6 Apex beta wont work with 30fps. So i will wait

    3. Digital


      It will be resource heavy. Recommended requirements are 16GB RAM, GTX 980 or better, 3.4GHZ+ Quad core CPU and 55GB disk space. I've got a GTX 780 so I may struggle to run High, but we'll see. I'm planning on getting a GTX 1070 anyway this year.

    4. Empirekicking
  7. Has anybody bought any games/DLCs from the Steam Summer Sale yet? :D

  8. There's a lot of awesome games coming out this year that were announced at E3! Can't wait :P

    1. kevin_no


      the best games that im geting are BF1 and Forza H3

    2. stilldre1976


      any ideal what that snow/ski one was i seen on e3? defo bf1 for moi looks awesome :D

    3. Empirekicking


      I know, I hope that I have the money for it

  9. ^ I don't think anybody can answer exactly what settings you need to use in order to get what you want from OBS, unless that person has the exact same PC setup as you. The only way for you to find out what the best settings for you are is simply by trying different settings and seeing how they work. _ _ Also, I finally updated the OP! I added Plays.TV, fixed some spelling errors and also made the post look a lot better with a lot less spaces. Not really sure why it had 50 spaces between each sentence but oh well, they're fixed now And Edgarinskas, that is the actual price of Camtasia, haha. You need to buy the Camtasia Studio which comes with the recording software and the editing software, that's why it's so expensive. I tried to find if there was a way of buying only the recorder, but I don't think so. Atleast I didn't find anything
  10. Awesome! Thanks for the update
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