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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Driver-Ramon

  1. Hello guys / girls I'm back again:wub:

  2. I thought let's turn off 1.31 with scania next gen 8x4 that truck can not even pull that transport DLC trailer my whole truck goes to the left because the trailer is too heavy R | P

    1. Driver-Ramon


      hmmm, weird got it only with Scania next gen 

  3. Sorry autocorrect I can better type on PC xD 

  4. Ah game moderator declined next time better it’s not easy to join 2X declined. I don’t try it again the I see only declined not a good profile stats :wub: Maybe later try again I love this game it’s better I got declined having some pc problems 

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      good luck to you in the future :rolleyes:

  5. Good morning everyone!

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      bit late but Good Morning :P

  6. @Vuurvlammetje je bent ook Nederlands chill

  7. can I send game moderator application if I was AFK for 3 months with a house and other things with school? Would like to send an apply as it is until 30/04/2018 I do not know if I am rejected because I have not placed anything on the forum for a while

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heemse


      The requirments are stated clearly on the page. :)

    3. User_9806


      Ah, i mean


      Good luck for you @Driver-Ramon

    4. Driver-Ramon
  8. So am back after a long and difficult time have now free time I see that there is an application for game moderator go try to do if it succeeds

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      yeah welcome you back my friend :P 

    2. Driver-Ramon
  9. Thanks, I already forgot to delete files that use a lot that run in the background but are not visible in task management 

  10. Can someone help me with my lagg I know I've been trial support should know I've tried everything but lagg me very much never suffered from lay 5 fps sometimes I have 10 normal I have 17 fps i5 i can not game anymore play normally

    1. Rootyyy


      It will be your PC. What Processor, Graphics card how much RAM do you have?

    2. White Wolf.

      White Wolf.



      Open on the Help Section one Discussion to get some help

      or use the other way to contact the Support -> https://support.truckersmp.com/



  11. I mean nothing else with this but please just ban people who really do something wrong!!!!

  12. Hello,
    There is a video 6 hours ago on facebook that someone is banned for 10 beacons on his roof he did not even have his beacons on and it strikes me that he bans many people without good reason the one with 10 beacons on his roof was AFK so the admin who banned him has abused his work you can only really banned people when he drives around with his lights on, just like that guy who was standing on the road accidentally his truck broke he is also banished without a good reason
  13. back in team feels great to help people 

  14. GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING TODAY BIG DAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :D :rolleyes: :troll:

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      g o o d   m o r n i n g   m y   f i e n d :P 

    2. Driver-Ramon
  15. I am very curious about tomorrow this I have never experienced before

  16. 1 file was larger than the maximum file size or 150.016kb, and was skipped how to fix this I can not even put 1 picture

  17. Which truck will you use on Sunday? I use the DAF

  18. WEEEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Driver-Ramon


      WHAAA great news :wub:

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Yeah. Have a nice weekend with your family and your friends :) 

    4. Driver-Ramon


      thanks same for you mate 

  19. So first in the hot tub for 1 hour afterwards a wonderful massage for 2 hours I am really happy just completely quiet inside. 

  20. I am going to try to sleep today completely broken. No longer thinking what is happening today I leave behind me!!!!

  21. Sometimes you have days when you are simply dead inside. I just have moments that you do not have to do. And look back in your life that you do not have bad with your parents. I have nothing to do am emptying my head for new things 

  22. they see it as hate until it was just a question that does not matter

  23. delicious can finally focus on my school, may not even say something, someone treats me as a child that I do not allow.

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