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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by DoneTV

  1. It WASN'T a report! It was a complain! 2 Different things! 
    Didn't say names, id or what so ever.!

    And people liked it, so you had to hidd it. 
    I see!

    1. Rev.
    2. DoneTV


      Oh lord. 
      Please, just go to bed!

  2. Really? You deleted my status?

    1. DoneTV


      With the fact straight up, you still decided to to it. How nice.

  3. Herniated disc = fun...

  4. Any convoys on ATS today? Like the one yesterday. Cause that was fun as f*.

  5. Hello there! Go to https://truckersmp.com/ and sign in (i guess you already are) Hover over (My account) and press the tab (Setting) After that, press on the tab (Site Setting) and from there you should be able to change Time Zone. Pictures down below! Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 NOTE; just noticed the post above me!
  6. Common sense. Lets say the admins are on one of the servers with 2000+ players on. Atleast they will get reports every 20-60 secs. Ofc, they won't be able to use the cars and drive around all the time. I still like that they're able to use them. But from time to time they do.
  7. I'll be there if my son is sleeping by then. Sounds like fun =)
  8. Just a random question; Can you see this FB post and can you like/dislike and what so? (facebook.com/ErikYTDoneJohn/posts/320473528308969




    1. Mirrland


      http://prntscr.com/cze64p that is what i can see, it has embedded itself into the status update. 

    2. DoneTV


      Noticed, i guess it works tho. Even tho Facebook told me it didn't. Thanks mate :)

    3. Mirrland
  9. Been so long since i last posted anything on here. I think need to become more active again than just sitting in the dark corner of hell. ;)

  10. 8 hours later, me and my son are home. He have been an angel the whole trip.

  11. Time for vacation with my son, see you guys and LKW in a few days :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. konfig0
    3. stilldre1976


      Have a good one buddy :)

    4. MrHarv98


      Cya mate and kravaty he is part of LKW vtc so yeah.

  12. I'm going to quote Roman Atwood "If you don't do it yourself, noone else will. Do it now, cause noone will do it for you. If you want to achieve something, you have to do it, noone else will do it for you."

    1. DoneTV


      Wasn't the exact words, but sums it up.

  13. Censoring 17 minutes of edited footage takes ages. Thank you Adobe Premiere. Around 5 minutes left to do it on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DoneTV


      Na, i do vlogs and gameplay, but did a vlog with the new pool i bought and my son was naked. And i don't trust the internet. So had to censor his private parts. (he's 2)

    3. stilldre1976


      fairplay mate the webs full of wierdos lol

    4. DoneTV


      Yes, yes, it is.

  14. Goodnight guys and gals, safe trucking.

  15. You don't need a code, just press close after you're done and you will see Steam working with the game like "you're installing it".
  16. How to downgrade? Thank you :)

    1. DoneTV


      Nvm saw what ETS Trucker posted.

  17. BMW X6 in ETS2 = Shit, 1 touch on the steering wheel and the car goes SWIIISH to the right or left.

  18. These American trucks are nice.

    1. Creatured


      ofc they are there Amurican

  19. The convoy today was... ummm... yeah..


  21. 125ton challenge from Milano to Kalmar with Iveco 310HP starts now, follow me on the road ;)

  22. We really need an "Edit" on status updates. This is IP Board, cum' on

    1. SprinterFS


      and add a mark "edited" :)

  23. I would guess though i'm not him, it's that "you do no't have the right version of the game" blabla, "Press OK".
  24. Going to do another 125ton challenge. You name the start and end. First good one, it is.

    1. caff!!!


      Uppsala to Torino

    2. DoneTV


      Ha, i knew someone would name it. I thought about it, and will do it! With Iveco 310HP.

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