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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by ΛRDΛ K~

  1. First of all, Hello I think 110km/h is enough. If the speed limit increases, there will be more accidents, which will disturb the peace of the players. Besides, let's not forget that it is a simulation game Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  2. First of all, Hello! If the player is blocking the road on purpose, he should be banned. If his trailer is stuck or he can't move his truck, they should give him some time, if he's over it for more than 1 minute, he should be kicked. In short, I think it should be decided according to the situation. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  3. Thanks for the follow mate ♥️

  4. Thanks For The Follow 💓

  5. First of all, Hello! If that player is far away from you, of course you can throw You can start chatting by typing /pm 520 in the chat section. Example: /pm 520 nice truck We usually talk with this command when my friends are away I hope I could help. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  6. First of all, Hello! I generally like to listen to arabesques, and my favorite song is Sezan Aksudan "Tükeneceğiz" and "Geri Dön". Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  7. Yes, it would be really nice if it went a little further.
  8. Chocolate milk, tea and Turkish coffee
  9. Pizza,fried chicken,sandwıch,fısh,salad I like food more like
  10. First of all, Hello! My current phone is android, but I want to switch to ios by the end of summer.
  11. First of all, Hello! I love the Spiderman series
  12. First of all, Hello! What is that song, such personnel should not see it You can receive a Warning/Ban Best regardsΛRDΛ K~
  13. First of all, Hello! Coco Cola because it is very refreshing
  14. First of all, Hello! First of all, it should not be forgotten that the staff has a vital out of the game, but of course, this should not cause a disruption in a job. Yes, I am complaining about this situation, the staff cannot act as fast as before, but I believe TruckerMp can fix it.I think she would be relieved if more committed and stable personnel were recruited. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  15. First of all, Hello! I like to drive Scania because when both its elegance and interior spaciousness and most importantly its power and acceleration come together, I can drive safely. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  16. First of all, Hello! I would like scs to focus on the Turkish side because I live in Turkey and there are much more beautiful and scenic roads in Turkey.If they pay a little more attention, they will agree that there are roads with beautiful views. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
  17. First of all, Hello! İt is definitely worth it as the appearance of the car will change and it will have a better stance. I bought a new engine and paid 67 thousand TL. The love of engines is a very good thing. Best regards ΛRDΛ K~
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