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Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by LordLegend

  1. Congrats 🥳!!!

  2. Frostfire is my favourite truck from now, for sure
  3. Happy Birthday

  4. Happy Birthday, I wish you had a great day 🥳

  5. Happy Birthday 😁🎉

  6. Happy Birthday 🎂

  7. Happy Birthday 🎉

  8. Happy Birthday 🥳

  9. Happy Birthday 🎉🎂

  10. I do totally agree with your opinion, but I am not to sure, if it should be a completely new server, maybe it could replace Simulation 2. We already have a lot of Servers in the server list and it could slowly be very overwhelming, especially for new truckers, having so much servers to choose from. On the other hand I can only see one thing in particular you would like to add or improve, which I totally agree with, and that's the physics between other vehicles and the trucks. But I do think it is really difficult to develop such things, as a mod.
  11. Happy Birthday 🎉

  12. You need to wait TruckersMP will release an update for the client/server soon, then you can play TruckersMP normally
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