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Trucker Hudson

Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Trucker Hudson

  1. So excited to try the snow mod out
  2. Much appreciated that this has finally come, thanks
  3. I hope they do eventually have the Schwarzmueller DLC implemented into multiplayer
  4. No problem bud, you have a great day as well
  5. Hello The first problem you have encountered is what many of the truckers have to deal with on a regular basis (idiotic drivers) who cause unsafe conditions for other road users, the fact that when one hits you head on, the game experience for this changes depending on what the internet connection of the person who hit you has and your connection, for example this person is driving at 70mph on a traffic related area known to get busy and is also lagging, him hitting you at this speed would for one cause you to have full damage and two push you into the ground as the force their truck is applying leaves the game not knowing what to do but to force you into the direction of the ground. The second problem is a fault that can happen time to time if using a automatic as its easily put into reverse, unlike manual drive, so be careful, my solution is keep and eye on your dash while in first person to see what gear it is in, if you start to have problems my suggestion would be to put hazards on to alert other road users, if you check no one is making a overtake and you get your truck working again make sure to check then when clear set off again. Hope that helps
  6. English: Its my pleasure to help people in need So from the new evidence you have stated it doesn't seem to be to do with the graphics card or anything to do with that sort of thing, the second part was interesting, as all mods must be put into the correct place Documents\EuroTruckSimulator2\mod if not they will be unusable or they may just cause a crash, however if you do have mods installed, take them off and see if that helps, i know from experience that a faulty mod can cause a lot of problems. French: Son plaisir d'aider les gens dans le besoin Donc, à partir de la nouvelle preuve que vous avez déclaré, il ne semble pas avoir à faire avec la carte graphique ou quoi que ce soit à voir avec ce genre de chose, la deuxième partie était intéressante, comme tous les mods doivent être mis au bon endroit Documents \ EuroTruckSimulator2 \ Mod sinon ils seront inutilisables ou ils peuvent juste causer un accident, mais si vous avez des mods installés, les retirer et voir si cela aide, je sais par expérience qu'un mod défectueux peut causer beaucoup de problèmes.
  7. English: Hello there, The issue you have could be related to anything really, it could possibly be your graphics card that is not able to process the amount of usage the game is requesting when loading into your said location, it could be that a mod you have installed in C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod is malfunctioning and not able to proceed limits or could be as simple as a bad game save, If i was you i would open a support ticket at https://ets2mp.com/support/ Hope that helps French: Bonjour, Le problème que vous avez pourrait être lié à quoi que ce soit vraiment, il pourrait éventuellement être votre carte graphique qui n'est pas en mesure de traiter la quantité d'utilisation que le jeu demande lorsque vous chargez dans votre emplacement dit, il pourrait être qu'un mod vous avez installé en C : \ Users \ votre nom \ Documents \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ mod est dysfonctionnement et ne peut pas procéder limites ou pourrait être aussi simple que d'enregistrer un mauvais jeu, Si j'étais vous je voudrais ouvrir un ticket de support à https://ets2mp.com/support/ j'espere que ça aide
  8. Hello there, Unfortunately until multiplayer is updated to 1.26 update (currently on 1.25), the saves will not be available. The only thing to do is downgrade back to 1.25, this is just a temporary thing until ETS2MP gets updated, then you will be able to use the saves from single player with no problems, so try not to delete them if you want to keep your progression. Hope that helps
  9. Witam, Powodem jest fakt ETS2MP działa na 1.25.3 i do nich podczas próby i otwórz strzał zapisywane z ETS2 Single player multiplayer nie rozpoznaje co to jest, to w bardzo krótkim czasie nie jest w stanie otworzyć aktualizacji, ponieważ zawiera elementy multiplayer nie ma jeszcze. Mam nadzieję, że to pomoże!
  10. Hello there Basically the new update for ETS2 Single player was launched a couple of days ago (v1.26) and with this update a new bunch of stuff has been added, and to keep up to date, World Of Trucks also made it so they too are compatible with the new update, however doing so means you can no longer access World Of Trucks in Multiplayer (ETS2MP) as it is still only running (v1.25) therefor until the update for multiplayer is released and brought to the same update as single player and world of trucks the jobs you normally take from World Of Trucks will not be available. Hope that helps
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