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Online-Offline toggle switch


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Suggestion Name: Online-Offline toggle switch on game menu.
Suggestion Description: Players face blockers and rammers during their gameplay in multiplayer.
 If this toggle switch installed on game menu, they could just easily logout and login without restarting ETS2.

Well, rammers and blockers could use this feature, so I also suggest that lock this switch when they are reported, or if they

already used it, ban them untill they use ban appeal section.
Any example images: None.
Why should it be added?: It would be a great method of avoiding heavy traffics.

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the problem with current system is that people can then just log off,drive on the spot of a parked/standing stil ltruck infront of em (for example at redl ight) and go online again.


as long as they arents gonna implent a 10-20 sec ghost mode when u login i think this isnt a greate idea.


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Trolls may abuse it to annoy and mess up players


There is no "may" about it, they "will" and that's what annoys me; this feature is needed but because of those knobends it won't be implemented.

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This shouldn't be implemented at all.


Not in the case of rammers, but in legitimate, accidental crashes are you also going to use this technique to "dodge" the so called "rams?" If someone hits you, just accept your fate. There are trolls in every single game, not just MP. It makes the game unrealistic. A "perfect" no damage record is what most people long for, but I'm seeing this will change the entire game. It takes the fun out of the game, and practically seem like you are driving in MP offline mode, since you won't have any probability of crashing into other truckers. If so, why not just play in Offline MP?


I recall the developers shutting down the Auto-park system because of its unrealistic-ness. This is going way too far-fetched, comparing to the auto-park



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I´m agree, I think we shoud be able to re-login without closing the game. If a troll wants to re-join fast, he will with or without this, and I wont denny game improvements cause of trolls, we just need a better and harder punishments for them to be banned. Any rammer/blocker (after a couple of videos which prove it) should be perma-banned, and thats all. Now it´s not going that way. But thats another discussion.


Anyway, I´m agree we need the GHOST LOGIN system implemented before going for this suggestion. After it, +1


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There should just be a chat command as /reconnect and it will reconect you to the server to save you from leaving the game and rebooting it.






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Unless all parkings are made NCZ-s and you spawn at parking when you connect ( = no chance to be added in Alpha stage)


I can't speak for anyone else, but whenever I disconnect it's almost always in the middle of no where so when that happens I pull over to the side of the road or on to the grass and reconnect there. If it's in a city or somewhere like that I'll drive while disconnected to the service station and connect there. There's no need for making the truck stops non collision, if anyone leaves the game there they're going to get what's coming to them and that's their own fault. 


We don't need any more NCZs and if they're going to be added you lot might as well just make the entire server non collision again because if that happens it might as well be.


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