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Description of Issue: 


holding W ( my forward key ) ( moving forward ) (  i was rolling like less than 5 km/h i have just finish load my gas tank )


i have open the Y key to send a message ( at the gas station luckly )


but when i have sended the message : ( Enter key )


my gas key ( W ) ( for moving forward ) is stuck ( it like i am on the cruise controle but i am not on the cruise control or pressing any key... )


and it make my truck alway keep the pressure on the gas pedal .. even when i am pressing brake ( S key  .. for braking ) it is not working ... 


i almost destroyed my truck at the exit of a gas station ... ( it was the same thing with A-D left - right turning key ) ...


it is really dangerous.. 


even on the parking break ( space bar )  my rpm is still hidle at 10 ( 5-10-15-20-25 )


Game: ETS 2

Mod Version:
Controllers Used: keyboard
How to reproduce: the Y key open while doing anything or nothing create alot of trouble..
Screenshots / Videos: ( will make one soon )..


(p.s i know it already i know bug )


Hi there! 


Please be be aware of holding down your ‘W’ key whilst pressing ‘Y’. Your accelerator will jam on until you press ‘W’ again. 

This is the same with every key - if you hold down a key on your keyboard and press ‘Y’ to open chat at the same time, the key will stay on until you press the key again. 


Kind Regards,



It is because it will keep press W untill you press Y again to close the chat, Best way to avoid it is to park at the side so you are in neutral, then press Y and chat :)
You can also chat while driving, but first stop pressing W and then start to press Y, this way u can chat while having cruise control on or just drive at slow speed... :) 

Hopefully that helps,

Dutch Hazmat Special Division Manager at Viva Trucking NL

  • 4 weeks later...

To Stop this issue id recommend getting a Controller like a Steering wheel then if you happen to forget to release your accelerator this glitch does not happen anymore

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