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When Being Overtaken


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Hello TruckersMP, from close observation of majority of the accidents and crashes I see on Calais-Duisburg road ingame, it's clear many drivers are reckless and drive dangerously without considering they safety of others and with an intent to record and report offenders on the website to get them banned.

Some of you may think that dangerous driving with regards to overtaking rests solely on the part of the  overtaker and not the person being overtaken.

When driving and you notice you are being overtaken, what do you do?

1) DO NOT SPEED UP: that is do not attempt to increase your speed to make it difficult for the overtaker to pull back in, continue at the speed you were going at.

2) SLOW DOWN: based on hazard perception which is key for every driver to possess, if you notice there's an oncoming traffic and the driver may not get enough room to pull in because of your current speed  please apply your brakes and let them in to avoid a head on collision. This is only common sense and responsible driving.

Please if you choose to truck at the speed limits ingame that's absolutely fine but do not speed up and cause problems for someone who doesn't only to record and get them banned because that's mean, reckless and dangerous driving and it defeats your claims of being a safe and responsible driver because you're just as bad as the player who chooses to drive fast


References: UK Highway Code 168



Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.


Video example: Please note that in this video I had my eyes momentarily off the screen and noticed the overtaker quite late but I still did the right thing.

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Also we have in-game rules on overtaking :)



(Author: VavelOnline)

This is a very simple how-to guide on how to overtake (and be overtaken) properly. The first thing you should be aware of is DESYNC. Basically, what you see on your screen is not always what the other players are seeing. This might cause (unintentional) ramming in many situations. To counter that effect, here's some practical information that you should always follow.

When overtaking

  • Start your overtaking maneuver when you are at least 60m from the truck in front of you (you can always check the distances using the TAB key).

  • Stay in line

  • When you checked that the other driver is 100m behind you, you can start merging back.

  • Alternatively, if you see the other driver turn its lights on, or hear him honk 2 short times, it means that you can merge back safely from his point of view, even if you're not 100m ahead. In that case, it's nice to thank him using the left-right-left-right blinker signal. Note that high beams would normally be used IRL, but cannot be seen for now in the MP game.

When being overtaken

  • Stay in line

  • If you're riding at 90 km/h, it is nice to slow down a little so the other driver has a chance to overtake you.

  • When there's enough distance between you and the overtaker (60m should be enough), turn your lights on (or honk 2 short times if it's night time and your lights are already turned on) to signal that he can merge back safely.

Let's hope everybody follow these rules, and the road will be a lot safer.

Source: https://truckersmp.com/rules



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Sadly, the internet use's a Netiquette for rules so the law means little plus the UK highway code only applies to the UK.


Also, it's a game most people really do not care.

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Real life codes don't apply in the game. If they did, I wouldn't need to be scared everytime I see a truck approaching from behind like a rocket when I'm doing the speed limit. 80 Km/h limited road, I'm driving 80 Km/h and I'm constantly overtaken by people driving 100+ KM/h. I never make it more difficult for the overtakers, I even stick to the road's edge all I can to leave more room and slow down if I see danger, but even then I'm being rammed lots of times because of idiots that don't care if there's oncoming traffic, they need to keep doing 120 Km/h and will drive over my truck if they need to. Sorry, but NO. Overtaker goes by cleanly, I flash my highbeams to let him know that it's safe to merge in, perfect. Overtaker hits my truck or trailer, record and report. I know that there are people who do cause dangerous situations, to record other players and get them banned, but I'm talking here about reckless overtakers (and there are lots of them) and these deserve to be banned. It seems to be the only way to let them know that they need to respect other players.

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2 hours ago, 3567- said:

Also, it's a game most people really do not care.


Even if it's a game, I care about other truckers. if I can increase just a little bit the experience of other people I will.


Simple example, I'm driving in a car at 80km/h and 3 guys are behind me. Should I continue to my speed and watch them crash when they overtake me while I'm staying at my speed? No, I just slowly stop on the road side to let them pass .

That's just a little random thing but I think that it count for them, follow a "slow car" can be boring even if the speed limit is 60 or 80.


Respect others, even if it's a game or even if the guy is driving at 200km/h like in NFS. ;)

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^^ Nope, sorry. If a guy wants to drive at 200 Km/h like in NFS, his game is NFS, not ETS2. I respect people who show respect to others. People rushing their way, crashing into others because of their insane speed, overtaking recklessly and causing others to suffer damage to their trucks or cargoes because of trying to avoid a crash, those people don't deserve any respect. It's always been said: Respect must be earned. I see respectful drivers in the game and they have all my respect. Others, well, they'll have my reports.

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7 hours ago, FernandoCR said:

^^ Nope, sorry. If a guy wants to drive at 200 Km/h like in NFS, his game is NFS, not ETS2. I respect people who show respect to others. People rushing their way, crashing into others because of their insane speed, overtaking recklessly and causing others to suffer damage to their trucks or cargoes because of trying to avoid a crash, those people don't deserve any respect. It's always been said: Respect must be earned. I see respectful drivers in the game and they have all my respect. Others, well, they'll have my reports.

High speed trucker here; the NFS series is a shadow of its former self and doesn't offer wheel support in most cases. ETS/ATS are essentially cruising simulator to me, but that doesn't mean I'm reckless about going top speed. If I'm approaching another truck, I will flash my lights and honk to let him know I'm there; I move as far as possible to the left in order to pass, and I always give a wide berth on the lane change so as to not cause problems due to de-sync. I don't overtake when I can't see far enough ahead, and I don't go too fast for conditions on two lane/mountainous roads. It's a point of pride for me to be able to go fast while not wrecking or causing issues for other players.


That said, I'm probably in the minority of players with an average speed well above the speed limits that actually take care to avoid ruining other player's experiences.

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NFS is the quickest reference (mainly because of the name: Need for Speed), but it's the same as any other racing games. The thing is that this is not a racing game. It's a truck simulator, and you don't see trucks (in Europe, at least) doing 140-160 Km/h on highways or 100+ Km/h on rural roads. Anyway, it's each player's choice and if you drive the way you say, I congratulate and thank you, that's what I call respect, do your thing the way you like but let others do the same.


This being said, I've just decided to end my ETS2 MP session for today and I've also decided that I'll be going back to EU#1 server. It's been a while driving in EU#2 and it used to be fun, because of the amount of people, the cars, etc. But lately, it's become unplayable for me. I can't have a 3 hour session without being rammed by speeders who seem unable to control their trucks and do a decent overtaking.


Speed limit is not an issue for me, in fact, I'll probably never hit the 110 Km/h limit in EU#1, as I'm doing WoT jobs most of the time. The only problem can be the emptyness, but I'd rather drive all alone and finish unharmed 5/5 jobs, than surrounded by bunches of kids, idiots, trolls, reckless and/or clueless drivers, and having to cancel 3/5 jobs because of the damage to my cargo. 

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