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Question about Report



Hello dear TruckersMP Team, 

Today I won't help or assist in the section as some of you knows me, today I'm going to ask few questions. 


This question more belongs to TMP Team, however it's still as a Question so will more glad for some another commnets from the player side too. 


As we can certainly see, the status of the web reports is "HEAVY" which means that the reports should not take as long as, for example, of status very high. My question is, how is it possible that my report is claimed, and the next day it has a new status again even though the user is banned after GM checked my report? 




Next day -> 




My second question is: 

Why does it take so long for GM to check reports on status "HEAVY". I can remember about previous time it took like 4-5 days, now it's about 1 week. Then I can't see any change about this rule. 


My third question is: 

I can't send any more reports because some of non accepted / declined reports still pending from 02. november. 2023 



Reports must be filed no later than seven days after an incident has occurred.


On the other hand, I think it would be good to see the moderator who handle with current report in case we want to contact Game Management about something related to my created report. I know we also may see the id and can report it with id, but would be fair to see a Mod too. 


Thank you so much for the answers.


Kind Regards,

[MCG] RedWolf[CZ]

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RedNub I TruckersMP :tmp:

(ETS2 - 6,450 hours)



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Hey RedWolf,


3 hours ago, [MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ said:

As we can certainly see, the status of the web reports is "HEAVY" which means that the reports should not take as long as, for example, of status very high. My question is, how is it possible that my report is claimed, and the next day it has a new status again even though the user is banned after GM checked my report? 


This can happen because of certain internal processes regarding the report. I can't give you an exact answer as it could have many reasons. I doubt that the user was banned based on your evidence and the report was then unclaimed, at least not on purpose. There is also a specific time after which automatically claimed reports are unclaimed if the moderator in question does not take action. I assume nobody here will be able to tell you what the cause of the problem pointed out by you is, unless you create a feedback ticket. 


3 hours ago, [MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ said:

My second question is: 

Why does it take so long for GM to check reports on status "HEAVY". I can remember about previous time it took like 4-5 days, now it's about 1 week. Then I can't see any change about this rule. 


Well, the status heavy is based on the number of reports pending in the system, it is not based on the processing time of reports. Both indicators are not always proportional. There are times in which moderators process more reports in a specific time frame than in others, so even though the status gives you a rough estimation of the queue of reports, you cannot derive a processing time from this. 4-5 days and 1 week are relatively close to each other, so I suggest waiting some more days for the reports to be processed. 


3 hours ago, [MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ said:

My third question is: 

I can't send any more reports because some of non accepted / declined reports still pending from 02. november. 2023 


That is certainly a valid question. If the cause of the delay of the creation date is not your fault, I would personally say that creating the reports after more than 7 days is fine. This, however, is then a grey area. Maybe someone from the Game Moderation Team can give you a more qualified answer here; if it is the case that you cannot submit those reports, I would agree that this is not well-thought-out

and should be changed. 


3 hours ago, [MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ said:

On the other hand, I think it would be good to see the moderator who handle with current report in case we want to contact Game Management about something related to my created report. I know we also may see the id and can report it with id, but would be fair to see a Mod too. 


You can submit your suggestion in the respective section of the forum. If you ask for my personal opinion on this, I do not think that this should be added because it takes away the anonymity of the moderator dealing with the report. You could then privately contact them to complain about decisions, which is not what TruckersMP wants. If you want to complain about a report or have questions about it, you can file a feedback ticket and the managers will be able to see who dealt with your report regardless of what you see on your end. So the possibility to ask questions or complain about processes always remains. 


I hope this answers your questions! Have a wonderful evening 🙂 


Kind regards


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Hello there,


I fully understand your frustration but I hope this reply will clear some things up, for you. 


First question;

 - There is a certain way reports are being handled, I am not too certain on what caused this, perhaps the moderator unclaimed the report by accident. However, the report will soon be checked again by someone.


Second question;

- Like I have said in the first question, there is a certain way reports are being dealt with, besides that. All the report/game moderators have a private life too outside TruckersMP. It is fully normal that report will be dealt quicker this week than previous week. It all depends on the availability of the staffmembers. 


Third question;

- It takes time for all the reports to be checked out, some reports are easier to deal with than others. It all depends on the way the report has been given, is the evidence long enough, is the evidence clear, are the perpetrator's clearly visible, what is reporter doing... those are just some of the things that they have to keep in mind when dealing with user's their reports. 

Being a moderator is not an easy task, it takes time and patience to deal with each report individually and give the correct punishment/warning on each report. 




In general, 

Dealing with reports is not easy, report/game moderators go through training for a reason, even after getting promoted they are constantly learining, getting better at their duty within the team. 

Please be patient and let them do their work, they are humans too.


If you have any questions, feel free to react on this post again.


Thank you for your attention!



Dutch-English | Sign Language


Useful links:  

TruckersMP Rules | Report System | Appealing a ban | TruckersMP Map


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Firstly, thank you for coming to the forum and asking about this. The web reporting load goes in the following order: very low, low, medium, high, very high, heavy. Heavy is the top category which means that the reports are not done as fast as in the categories below, that is the reason why your reports are taking longer. There isn't any rule about reports being handled in x amount of time, it all depends on our moderation team, as we are volunteers and we do this in our freetime.


Due to our internal policies, we are not allowed to disclose the reason why your report's status might change like that.


Lately, rule §1.4 was edited to accept evidence maximum 7 days after the incident happened to reduce the load on the web report system and to allow our team to shift our work towards game moderation and to ensure reports are relevant, and it is the serious issues being passed onto us, through that system. There is nothing you can do, if your slots free up slower than 7 days elapse, you cannot report those actions as it would be against rule §1.4.


Regarding seeing which moderator deals with your report, it was introduced in September. The reasoning behind anonymisation is that it aims to reduce the abuse and harassment that unfortunately some of our team members have to endure, and due to that you cannot see our names. If you want to contact Game Moderation Management about something related to a report you have created, you just need to send them the report URL and it will be dealt with accordingly. You can read more about that here: https://truckersmp.com/blog/297


Let us know if this helped,


Kind Regards,


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Hello RedWolf,


14 hours ago, [MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ said:

Last question: 

If the reports are almost over 7 days without accepted/declined status, must they also been removed after 7 days? 😮 Have I delete them or let them and wait. 🙂 


The rule states: "Reports must be filed no later than seven days after an incident has occurred."  So the duration is based on the creation date of your report and you do not have to delete the report or remove the evidence after that period in time. 


Have a wonderful day 🙂


Kind regards


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  1. You should make a feedback ticket about it. Might of been a misclick and the mod didn't realize.
  2. Guess staff is getting busy for the holidays. My last report took 2 weeks to get handled, which was a desync issue.
  3. Have to wait until those reports are dealt with. Once accepted, you get your slot back. Declined reports take 30 days to get those slots back.
  4. Reports being made within 7 days is a lie. The system allows you 16 days. For instance, today is November 14th. Checking the system, i can go back to October 29th.
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Hello there all members here! 


Thank you so much for detailed answers to @NeonLeon @Robin. @LogRol 



Last question: 

If the reports are almost over 7 days without accepted/declined status, must they also been removed after 7 days? 😮 Have I delete them or let them and wait. 🙂 


That being said, my question has been answered and the topic can be closed! 


Thank you guys!


[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] 

RedNub I TruckersMP :tmp:

(ETS2 - 6,450 hours)



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No, the 7 day is compared to the date you have created the report, not when the report was handled. You don't have to delete them. If you created the report for example at 15th Nov, the evidence can date back to 8th Nov and that will be valid, no matter if the report will get dealt with in 1-2 weeks.


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Game Moderator

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5 hours ago, NeonLeon said:

Hello RedWolf,



The rule states: "Reports must be filed no later than seven days after an incident has occurred."  So the duration is based on the creation date of your report and you do not have to delete the report or remove the evidence after that period in time. 


Have a wonderful day 🙂


Kind regards


Thank you! ❤️


Problem is solved and best answer has been given! 


Thank you everyone for your cooperation


[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] 

TruckersMP Patron Master Trucker & Veteran Driver | MCG Expert Driver 

RedNub I TruckersMP :tmp:

(ETS2 - 6,450 hours)



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Hello there!


Since you solved your issue, I will go ahead and move this topic to solved topics.


If you have anymore issue in the future, feel free to contact us again.


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Support


//Locked and Moved to Solved

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