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Intersections with signals that are not respected

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Good evening, my question concerns the secondary road (Calais-Duisburg). I'm talking about the bridge that ends the secondary (direction Calais), when you exit the highway and go up on the bridge, then you have to turn left to enter the secondary, I mean the intersection with the ramp that goes up the bridge, in this intersection, who goes up the ramp has a signal to give way to those who are already on the bridge, Where is the problem? Since both adults and children enter this game, unfortunately this signal to give way is not very well known by the community, now I wonder, would it be possible to change this signal by putting a stop? You can not understand the accidents that happen because of this signal, I was going at 90 km / h I was on the bridge, suddenly I found myself underground, the reason? A player came out of this intersection despite me having precedence and guess what? Unfortunately I can't brake 30 tons in a second, so I find myself crashing violently against his trailer fortunately I have ready reflexes and I threw myself to the right to avoid it, but the accident happened anyway, I hoped it had ended like this, unfortunately people do not keep a safe distance and get behind me attacked, So when you go to brake I find myself under the ground because I ended up stuck in the middle by the player I had in front and the one behind. I sincerely hope that you solve this problem of road signs because at this rate I do not know yet how many people come to play since there are only children who do not understand anything, despite having created a special server to run or Simulation 2. Thank you for your time, I hope for a positive response

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Hello @xXSimo2021Xx,


I do not think there is a miracle solution apart from a of a traffic light, or to change all the intercetion in question.

The idea of the stop sign is good but hey it's a sign, like many others, a good part of the player doesn't respect it so it will always be the same.




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the main propose of such players is not following such details next to the road, but more on to get fast from A to B.

I do it find actually annoying when players don't have the patience, doesn't matter if you stand before intersection or traffic light they always want to go first because they find themself so important.



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Actually, you are very right about this issue, but unfortunately, the reason for the accidents here will only be that people do not follow the rules, if everyone follows the rules, there will be no problem, the only thing that players need is to follow the rules in traffic and respect other players. 

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Good Morning @xXSimo2021Xx,


It's sad to say this, but the only way to fix things for certain players, is to report them....
And sometimes, even with the punishment, they continue to do the same.


I for example, whenever I do calais-duisburg, I record it, because I already know that at least one crazy person will try to ultrupass when he shouldn't...




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Hello @xXSimo2021Xx,


Thank you for the suggestion!


I completely understand your frustration. However, the issue here is not the traffic signs, but the fact that some of the players do not want to obey to the traffic rules, so regardless of what sign we place there, it will be ignored. The only thing you can do when you spot such incidents is using the website/in-game reporting system to report the violations.


That being said, we will not be proceeding with this suggestion at this time due to the above-mentioned reason. Thanks for understanding!



Leon Baker

Community Manager


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