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VTC Light Board


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Suggestion Name:

VTC Emblems on Light Board


Suggestion Description: 

The VTC owner will upload an emblem on the VTC settings (or through a ticket). This emblem will turn into a light board within the game. Players will only be able to use the light board of their VTC. To prevent abuse, this feature will only apply to Verified VTCs.


Any example images: 

Light Board


Why should it be added?: 

There are very few options for the light board in the game. Sometimes we can't find the best light board for our truck. These light boards, which will represent our VTC, will also add a stylish look to our trucks! It will be very useful, especially in convoys.

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The idea is good, at night we will be able to recognize other VTCs even more easily 👍

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3 minutes ago, blabberbeak said:


How is a player to see content that he or she didn't download? Just wondering.

Why would the player download it? It'll probably a DLC or something, not a mod... And even if it'll be a mod, I think other players still will see it, because as they see the DLC that they don't own from other players.

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1 hour ago, blabberbeak said:

What will a player see who isn't a  member of a VTC🤔


Nothing. In the Accessories section, players will only see the light board made for their VTC. The player who isn't a member of any VTC will not see anything. Just like accessories that are exclusive to admins or patrons.

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3 hours ago, loolee said:

I guess this would be cool, however I could see pendants become more viable then the LED lights. (Seeing as the pendant is just a UV map change but the LED board would have to be a whole model.)


Actually, I made this mod very simple. You edit the dark and light (led) version in any photoshop program and save it in dds format. In the dark you make the color darker than it should be, and in the light it's brighter. 🤓

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It's a good idea, but they can't do that even for proven companies. This is the same as asking to add skins for the company, there explained the reason that it is impossible for everyone to add and upload their own skins, including from your proposal. Therefore, it is unlikely to do.


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