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  1. Bonjour à tous, voici un topic qui vous permettra de mieux comprendre les mods sur TruckersMP. Pour commencer, il existe 2 types de mods . 1) Les mods qui modifient le contenu déjà existant sur ETS2 Certains mods du Workshop modifient uniquement le contenu existant sur les jeux de base, comme ceux qui permettent de modifier l'enlacement de certaines choses comme les gyrophares ou les mods qui rendent les remorques triple / remorque d'entreprise achetables. 2) Les mods qui ajoutent du contenu non présent dans les jeux de base De nombreux mods utilisent leurs propres textures, modèles 3D... Ceux-ci ne sont pas pris en charge par TruckersMP. Je veux ajouter du contenu déjà existant : Pour les mods qui utilisent le contenu existant, vous devez télécharger un mod qui utilise du contenu déjà présent sur ETS2 , lancer ETS2 (Euro Truck Simulator 2 en solo) puis activer le mod. Par la suite, vous pouvez modifier ce que vous souhaitez et lancer TruckersMP. N'oubliez pas d'enregistrer ! "On m'a dit qu'il était possible d'ajouter ce que je veux" Oui, vous pouvez ajouter tout ce que vous voulez. Cependant, cette pratique peut être dangereuse pour vos sauvegardes si vous ne faites pas les bonnes manipulations. Cela s'appelle du "Local Mod", seul vous pouvez voir le contenu rajouter dans Local Mod. Le sujet suivant explique en détails comment s'y prendre : ARRIVE BIENTOT ! Vous avez également du "Save Edit", c'est le même principe que les mods qui modifient le contenu existant mais avec plus de liberté. Vous pouvez créer vos propres modifications. Certains mods sont autorisés par TruckersMP ProMods : Europe, Moyen-Orient et Kazakhstan (la Grande Steppe) pour ETS2 ProMods : Canada (pour ATS ) DBUS : ETS2 Mods saisonniers de Grimes : (en ce moment, c'est le printemps) - À la fois pour ETS2 et ATS ATTENTION ! §3 - Save Edit Provoquer des ralentissements extrêmes ou des plantages du jeu en sauvegardant les modifications. Si vous enregistrez les modifications pour créer une combinaison de remorque très longue mais que vous ne pouvez pas la gérer en toute sécurité, vous risquez d'être banni pour conduite imprudente et/ou blocage et il est recommandé de supprimer la ou les modifications en question. Il est interdit d'avoir des remorques qui s'accrochent ou qui flottent et/ou des composants essentiels manquants (roues, lumières, etc.). Si la direction de la modération du jeu estime que votre modification n'est pas adaptée à nos serveurs ou qu'elle a un impact négatif sur d'autres personnes, vous risquez d'être banni. J'espère vous avoir aidé avec ce Topic !
  2. Are we allowed to drive Renault E-Tech in TMP? No ban risk? Im not talking about quick jobs, i mean save edits or steam workshop.
  3. Hello there! In the last few months we have developed a new SaveEditTool, which we would like to present to you here. The tool offers around 20 features and convinces not only with functionality, but also with design and user-friendliness, at least in our opinion Screenshots Features list - Change vehicle (truck and trailer) - Refuel - Teleport to waypoint - Share position - Important places - Share waypoints - Unlock (cities, garages, dealers and agencies) - Repair (truck, trailer and cargo) - Vehicle recovery - Change weight - Change license plate - Profile settings (edit money, level, skills and profile name) - Edit destination - Change cargo Download and setup Download from our Website Follow our user-friendly setup (YT-Video) VirusTotal The tool and the website currently support English and German. Links Website https://truck-simulator-tools.de/en/ YouTube https://youtube.com/@TruckSimulatorTools Discord https://discord.com/invite/zCjKR5BExT We hope you like our tool and have fun using it ExluX and .vacuum
  4. Step 1: Setting up your save profile. To do this we will have to edit your save profile. First we need to make your profile save in a format that can be decrypted. Go to the ETS2 My Documents folder: (C:\Users\[Your username]\Documents\EuroTruckSimulator2) and open the config.cfg with Notepad. Once you've opened it, press Ctrl + F and search for g_save_format and change the number to "2", as seen below. Now start the game, sign into your desired profile and then quit the game so that it can auto-save in the new format. Step 2: Save Editing For this step you will need to download the save decrypter from here. Go back into your ETS2 My Documents folder, and open the profiles folder. drag the game.sii over the SII_Decrypt.exe and it will decrypt the save profile. Now, open the game.sii with notepad. Find the line we want to edit is to search for you truck's trailer paint_job in the game. (you can search truck's trailer license plate to find paint_job) Next, we will go to this website to get the colour code of our desired colour. SCS color converter : http://www.dodero.eu/scs/color_converter/ (SCS color is we want to change color number) Choose which color you want,and change number.Look like this. ('&' is not important to write it) Now save the text file and close it. Now when you go into the game, you will see your newly coloured trailers. ENJOY !
  5. A tool for editing save files and synchronising jobs on Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Simulator. It's easy to use. All features are provided as a tick. Random routes are generated every 2 hours. Everyone is welcomed to join our random convoys on Multiplayer! Important This program is still in alpha state and MAY BROKE YOUR SAVE FILES. A backup file (game_bak.sii) will be created in the same directory before saving. If you encounter any problems, please post a reply or create a github issue. Features Edit money Edit player level Unlock all player skills Unlock all cities Unlock and upgrade all garages Unlock all truck dealers Fix all vehicles and trailers Fill up all vehicles Choose a listed job to sync Teleport truck to the starting place Compability ETS2 & ATS v1.49 OS Windows 10/11 x64 Download https://github.com/ets666/ets666-tool/releases/latest Official Website https://ets666.com/ How to Use Preparation: Start the game --> choose the profile you want to modify --> Edit --> Disable 'Use Steam Cloud' Step 1: Save a savegame in the game Step 2: Open ETS666 Tool --> select the profile and savegame you want to modify --> tick what you want --> save Step 3: Back to game --> load the modified savegame --> done, the convoy job could be found in the freight market Credits xiaosi for client development Mingran7 for UI design GiGiKing for providing server DoruqTV for Turkish translation Jordan. for Spanish translation IU - KOR for Korean translation Lineage for Janpanese translation Ricky {19} for Italian translation Danming for Polish translation Вовка for Russian translation Lukas & HWA & berechtigter for German translation Sniper for SII Decrypt
  6. Мiles

    Broken W900

    I know this is an issue with SCS and not the fault of TMP. But I was wondering if it was possible for one of you guys to fix the problem SCS caused! I have not seen any other users ask you guys this but can you fix the broken W900? We can no longer do the day cab cabin on a med or long frame. The cabin sinks into the ground and flips the truck over. This is very unfortunate in ATS because American culture loves long chassis day cab semi trucks. Especially farmers and loggers it's not phantasy it's just SAFTEY!!! Is it at all possible for you guys to fix this issue at least within the walls of TMP? Please?
  7. Und zwar hab ich ein wenig mit Save Editing gespielt und mir einen Trailer gezaubert wie unten im Video zu sehen. Nun meine Frage, ist dieser eigentlich erlaubt oder bekomm ich dafür nen Ban (da dieser ja in meine Räder geht) ?! ^^ {Es geht also nur darum ob das okay ist mit meinen Rädern oder ob ich irgendwie schauen obs da was anderes gibt.} An alle Leser: Vielen dank fürs drüber schauen und helfen LG: HandOfClash [GPE] /André\ GoldenPhoenixExpress Owner
  8. I need a lil help . i saw a youtube video that showing how to change head light color to green but i want to change my head light color to red also i want to change interior color to red too . is it possible ? if yes how to do it ?
  9. Guest

    Cargo Mass

    Hello! Is there any way that you can edit your trailer mass? I heard from players that you can but nobody answered how. I tried searching YouTube but didn`t found any videos. Can somebody help me?
  10. Guest


    Bannable save edit? https://prnt.sc/t2rjhi
  11. During the past few days, I wanted to make a hidden roof bar to make my lights flush with the roof, I have some basic save editing skills, but this is out of my league. How can you do this?
  12. Hey truckers! Are you tired of the normal navigator? 1. Go the Binds settings --> And search Quick save --> Set bind, what do you want 2. Go the game and press button, when you just set (Quick save) 3. Attention!!! Do not forgot buy gps to glass. (Customice your truck). 4. Now time to download HUD files. Link: https://sharemods.com/paonbcrpbm9c/extern10.zip.html 5. Search your Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder. Windows: Documents --> Euro Truck Simulator 2 and extract to file (extern10). 6. Download SII Decrypt. Link: https://sharemods.com/h6pozzt4ti8h/SII_Decrypt.rar.html It is safe. 7. Search your Quick save --> Euro Truck Simulator 2 --> profiles --> your current profile --> save --> And search quicksave folder. Drop the SII_Decrypt file here 8. Drop game.sii on the SII_Decrypt 9. Now open game.sii and search "gpslight". You maybe see this: 10. Now you delete this command (red bar). Replace at this: "/home/extern10/def/vehicle/truck/scania.s_2016/accessory/drv_plate/gpslight.sisl_tr.sii" 11. Now save file and start game. 12. Load Quick save. Enjoy! You can try at this mod to multiplayer. Please ask, If you have any problems with the mod! -Rasmus
  13. Bonjour, je poste aujourd'hui car étant nul en édition de sauvegarde, je ne comprend pas comment avoir la remorque "SCS On The Road" en multijoueur. J'ai bien suivie le tutoriel de @LordBenji . jusqu'à ce que j'arrive au fichier "game.sii" décrypté. Maintenant je ne sais pas où copier le le code : " vehicle_addon_accessory : _nameless.2fa.1376.3840 { slot_name: 0 slot_hookup: 0 wear: 0 data_path: "/def/vehicle/trailer/etrc_trailer_1/boxliner/container_scs.sii " Pour pouvoir ajouter la remorque en question. J'aimerais savoir comment faire, si j'ai fait n'importe quoi ou pas :') Merci de vos réponses
  14. Is all mods can't use in MP? photo mirror is allowed in MP is long time. but now I login game and get kicked server and detected mod files. feel so bad
  15. Hi, Can someone out there create trucks like these for a noob like me? I find save editing very difficult and such trucks cannot be created with ForeRunner Additional Customisation Mod. Appreciated and Happy New Year!
  16. I tri to decrypt my save game to edit and he says this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Can not set static final boolean field javax.crypto.JceSecurity.isRestricted to java.lang.Boolean at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwFinalFieldIllegalAccessException(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwFinalFieldIllegalAccessException(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.UnsafeQualifiedStaticBooleanFieldAccessorImpl.set(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Field.set(Unknown Source) at scsc.ScsC.removeCryptographyRestrictions(ScsC.java:118) at scsc.ScsC.main(ScsC.java:35) if you can not solve someone decrypt for me game.sii
  17. [TR] Merhaba Arkadaşlar Truckersmp de Kurallara uygun şekilde save edit nasıl yapılır size onu anlatıcam İlk Olarak Dorse Düzenlemeden Başlayalım 1- Dorse Plakanızı ve Rengini Değiştirebilirsiniz bu ban sebebi değildir. 2- Dorse tekerlerini küçültmeyin bu işlem truckersmp tarafından yasaklanmıştır görüldüğünüz an ban yersiniz 3- Dorse Tonajlarınızla oynamak serbest Araç Düzenleme 1- Aracınıza V led Takabilirsiniz Yalnız Kullandıgınız ledler kesinlikle ızgara dısına cıkmayacak ve ışık üstüne ışık eklenmeyecektir Aksi Takdirde Perma Ban yersiniz 2- Araçlarınıza farklı bi aracın parçasını takabilirsiniz Ama Işık Üstüne ışık eklemek banlanmanıza yol açar 3- Araçlarınıza örnek olarak bi korna taktınız Kodlarla Üstüne ışık eklemeyin bu da ban sebebidir 4- Araçlara Tampon Ekleyebilirsiniz Ama Led Koymayın tampondakı ledler size sıkıntı çıkartabilir ve ban yiyebilrsiniz 5- Araçların Güneş Siperi yerine başka bi aracın Güneş siperi ekleyebilirsiniz Ama O ekledğiniz güneşliğin üstüne bibendum yada uyarı ışığı eklemek kısacası üstüne bi kaç parça daha eklemek perma ban yemenıze yol açar 6- Aracın üstüne koydugunuz uyarı ışığınının daha canlı yanması için çoğaltma işlemı yapmayın direkt ban yersiniz 7- Aracın üstüne koydugunuz chrome lambaların altına küçük ledlerden eklemeyin buda ban sebebidir 8- V8 ışıgını pembe renk yapabilirsiniz 9- Başka tırın boya paketini başka tırda kullanabilirsiniz Yani kısacası kullandıgınız ışıkların üstüne Kesinlikle Parlaması için Fazladan ışık eklemeyin bu sizin banlanmanıza yol açacaktır
  18. NexooYT

    Save edit

    Hey all! Is modding truck like this allowed? This scania bumber on man-merc truck? Made with Forerunner's mod.
  19. save edit Is the multiplayer ban on the cargo trailer?
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