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  1. Hey Thank you very much for your comment! It’s not planned to translate TST in other languages, but I appreciate your offer Regards, ExluX
  2. Changes of Version 1.4.5: - ETS2 & ATS 1.50 support - Nebraska-DLC support - Map Support: RPM (Rheinland & Pfalz 1:1 Map) Version 1.1 - Explore 100% roads - Automatic map detection (Setting) - Bugfixes Download: Truck Simulator Tools Website
  3. Die TST selbst haben keinen Vollbildmodus. Um die Funktionen im Spiel zu benutzen, muss dieses im (Vollbild-)Fenstermodus sein. Die Einstellung dazu befindet sich in den Grafikeinstellungen, da gibt es so ein Kästchen. Dann ist das Fenster der TST über dem von ETS2/ATS.
  4. Das ist leider normal so. Wir sind Privatpersonen, die hobbymäßig, ein Tool entwickelt haben und kein Entwicklerstudio. Daher befindet sich kein offizielles Sicherheits-Zertifikat auf dem Programm. Um es trotzdem auf dem PC zu speichern, muss man im Browser bestätigen, dass man die Datei dennoch behalten möchte.
  5. Sometimes it seems that the game crashes when loading. I know this from ProMods for example. But after a few minutes it finishes loading. Maybe you just need to wait a little while ETS "crashes".
  6. The tool always works the same. Doesn't matter if you start it quickly after launching ETS2 or hours after it.
  7. Hey there! We have just released a new version of the Truck-Simulator-Tools. Version 1.1.5 Changes: + Support for "The Great Steppe ProMods" Have fun exploring "The great steppe" with the TST!
  8. Hey there! We are still working on the tool and have just released an update for the new game and ProMod versions. Have fun with the new version of the TST!
  9. Hey there, Edit Destination is now compatible with TruckersMP's new Duisburg. Have fun visiting the new city ?
  10. What are you thinking about? We are grateful for any ideas and suggestions for improvement ?
  11. As you have probably already noticed, TruckersMP has reworked the city of Duisburg. The feature Edit Destination should therefore not be used in the area of Duisburg in TruckersMP at the moment! However, we are already working on a solution, which will be implemented in the next few days. Thanks for your understanding ?
  12. In the new version 1.0.9, Edit Destination now also supports the TruckersMP Headquarter ?
  13. Yes, some of our features may be not allowed in TruckersMP and other game modes. If you use our tool responsibly and don‘t disturb other players, then all should be good.
  14. Hello there! In the last few months we have developed a new SaveEditTool, which we would like to present to you here. The tool offers around 20 features and convinces not only with functionality, but also with design and user-friendliness, at least in our opinion Screenshots Features list - Change vehicle (truck and trailer) - Refuel - Teleport to waypoint - Share position - Important places - Share waypoints - Unlock (cities, garages, dealers and agencies) - Repair (truck, trailer and cargo) - Vehicle recovery - Change weight - Change license plate - Profile settings (edit money, level, skills and profile name) - Edit destination - Change cargo Download and setup Download from our Website Follow our user-friendly setup (YT-Video) VirusTotal The tool and the website currently support English and German. Links Website https://truck-simulator-tools.de/en/ YouTube https://youtube.com/@TruckSimulatorTools Discord https://discord.com/invite/zCjKR5BExT We hope you like our tool and have fun using it ExluX and .vacuum
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