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  1. There is 2 ways to fix it and ill help you step by step. First way is for players with low internet speed or have bufferbloat: Try to close all tabs in your browser and other unnecessary apps, if your family watch a youtube video with high quality also warn them or make some research and try to setup qos for your router. Second way is for players with a stable connection but still gets kicked (and its only for windows users): First run cmd as an administrator, then type ipconfig find your current adapter then note the subnet mask (commonly its, default gateway (and this will be or something like this). Now open settings, go Network and Internet > Change Adapter Options now find the current adapter for your pc (it will be Ethernet if you connected with a wire or Wi-Fi else) right click it then select properties, find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" double click it. And now we set a dns and a static ipv4, choose a ip address for your self maybe it will be "" type it then fill the blanks with your subnet mask and default gateway. If its done set preferred dns server, its and for cloudflare and - for google. Click Ok then close the window. Run another cmd as an administrator then type "netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces" it will show the interfaces with mtu parameters, find the most numbers that shows below bytes in and bytes out copy its name written below interface (It will be Ethernet or Wi-Fi). Type "netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Ethernet" mtu=1458 store=persistent" > I write Ethernet because im connected with wire. You can close the window if see the "Ok." text. Restart your game and hopefully it will help you, if its not get more information from your isp. Also sorry for my bad english and mistakes.
  2. When i load into the map, the game loads too early before the progress bar finishes. The game freezes and when it unfreezes it says that i got kicked for having an unreliable connection and that i will get reconnected. But, it does not reconnect.
  3. Проблема меня мучает уже года полтора минимум, причину знаю - блокировка входящего трафика, или потеря пакетов. За это не один раз банили до того как придумали кикать (и на том спасибо), много раз пытался узнать решение проблемы, но пока не выходит. Антивирус отключал, игру вносил в исключения, брандмауэр выключал тоже, ничего не помогало. Кто-то уже знает, как это можно решить? Спасибо. UPD: Связался со своим интернет-провайдером, проверили связь и с роутером, и напрямую подключая кабель в пк, сказали, что между мной и ими потери пакетов нет. Поэтому попросили обратиться к администрации данного мультиплеера (ВНИМАНИЕ, РУССКОЯЗЫЧНЫЙ АДМИН, ЗОВУ НА ПОМОЩЬ, СВЯЖИТЕСЬ С РАЗРАБОТЧИКАМИ) : дайте, пожалуйста, ip-адрес сервера, который можно протрессировать и пропинговать. Как объяснил сотрудник поддержки, такая проблема может быть от интернет-провайдера, который предоставляет интернет серверам мультиплеера, от чего у некоторых игроков теряются пакеты с самим сервером, а не со своим интернет-провайдером, они от себя хотят проверить, где проблема. Спасибо.
  4. Hi guys. Im a player of ETS2 since 2 jul 2019. I see other players with the same problem, I got this error when I drive or when I load in a crowded city, and its weird. I've been trying to solve this problem for a month now. Every day I open the browser looking for a post with the solution. I've started to have this dreadful problem since I started playing again, tallking about August or so. I don't wanna spawn in a city where there's fewer peoples because I didn't have this problem before. Don't write the same things like the other's players post. (avoid, avoid bla bla bla.) I tried all of that's and nothing happened, nothing changed. °I have a good wifi connection (1000 megabit download) °Great gaming computer. ° I'm not downloading or uploading something and play truckersMP at the same time. °I'm not doing windows updates and play at the same time. °There aren't too many devices at the connected in my network. °I'm not using stream devices at the same time. °I already checked my firewall settings in my router. °I'm using the same server that i used when I could play quietly. °I already talked with my ISP , my ping is stable( 32ms ) Someone said: "This is a common problem I have usually, It only happens when you load in like 50 players in a city and because your game freezes and then the server thinks you have a bad internet connection then kick you for it. You could be using NASA's internet and still be kicked for 'unreliable connection' because your game froze for too long while loading in players." This problem it's not mine. This is our server bug.This needs to be fixed. I want to play ETS 2 multiplayer quietly. Best regards. -FedeMMIV
  5. Honestly, I don't know what else to do, this unreliable connection error always appears to me when I'm in a place with more than 4 people, I've done everything, everything, I contacted the internet provider, made the exchange of device, they restarted my connection, I did all the procedures I saw here on the forum, but nothing resolves, all this after this 1.38 update came. I just wanted to play without problems, I never had any problems, this is the first time this has happened to me, and I see that not only me, but several people. I contacted the support, but nothing was resolved, please someone from the support, give us a plausible answer, a consistent answer, I've done everything to try to solve this problem, but it just doesn't work. It is a frustrating feeling, as I cannot travel with friends, I have to walk on empty routes, it is as if I am in hiding, hoping not to meet other players, because if someone appears on the same route I am removed from the server with this message unreliable connection. (Sorry, I'm using Google translator)
  6. Hallo, ich habe ständig den Fehler "unreliable connection". Es ist egal auf welchem Server ich spiele, meistens wenn viele Leute auf einem Fleck sind fliege ich raus, aber auch manchmal ohne erkennbaren Grund. Ich habe die Konsole mit dem Kommando "g_developer 16" mitlaufen lassen und davon ein Video gemacht. Ich spiele hauptsächlich auf dem ProMods-Server. Das Video hab ich absichtlich in Kirkenes gemacht da dort am Meisten los ist. Bei allen anderen mit denen ich spiele funktioniert dort ja auch alles ohne Probleme. Nur bei mir geht es nicht. Ich brauche dringend Hilfe, da es echt nur noch purer Frust ist wenn man online spielen möchte. Hier der Link zum Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iITV3nQb7k&feature=youtu.be Meine Specs: RTX 2070 Super, 16 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 1700, Auflösung 4K und auf höchsten Einstellungen. Das Spiel läuft auf einer SSD. Internetleitung: 200.000 (Ethernetkabel, Ping 12-30ms) Ich habe mich durch sämtliche "Lösungen" im Forum gelesen und habe alles Mögliche ausprobiert und nichts hilft. Das habe ich probiert: -PC und Router neustarten -ETS 2 und TruckersMP neu installiert und alle dazugehörigen Ordner (überall) gelöscht vor der Neuinstallation. -Kaspersky Programmregeln verändert, Einstellungen auf allen möglichen Art und Weisen geändert. Selbiges gilt für Windows Defender wenn Kaspersky aus war. -Komplett ohne Virus- und Firewallschutz gespielt und dennoch vom Server geflogen. -Router komplett resetet auf Werkseinstellungen. -Router auf 2,4Ghz umgestellt und 5Ghz deaktiviert -Google DNS versucht 8 8 8 8 oder 8 8 4 4 -DNS Cache cleared, ARP Cache cleared, Winsock Catalog resetet -Verschiedene Anschlüsse mit dem Ethernetkabel am Router ausprobiert -Etliche Apps und Programme deinstalliert, die etwas mit dem Netzwerk zu tun haben -Windows Updates und Store Datennutzung deaktiviert, nur noch manuelle Updates -TMP Launcher als Admin starten Ich weiß nicht ob ich jetzt alles erwähnt habe aber ich bin seit 2 Wochen nur am verzweifeln. Es ist purer Frust. Bitte helft mir, gibt es nicht noch irgendetwas was ich tun kann? Bei allen anderen Spielen die ich spiele habe ich nie Probleme. Vielen Dank schonmal!
  7. Guten Morgen, Ich habe ein Problem was ich mir selber nicht erklären kann! Jedesmal wenn ich TruckersMP starte und in Simulation 1 Joine, werde ich in ca. 1-5 min gekickt. Der Grund ist immer das selbe "unreliable connection" was ich mir echt gar nicht erklären kann, da ich eine echt starke Internet Leitung habe 250mb↓ und 20mb↑(Bild ist unten). Ich habe mein PC auch über LAN ans WLAN verbunden. Hat jemand eine Lösung für mich? So langsam vergeht einem echt der Spaß. Ich danke euch im vorraus.
  8. Olá , venho enfrentando 3 a 4 meses o problema onde diz que minha conexão não é confiável . Nunca tive esse problema , e agora está praticamente impossível jogar no servidor . Testei em todos os servidores , Europa 1 , Europa 2 , US e até mesmo o Arcade , e mesmo assim continuo tomando kick na hora que entro e as vezes logo após . Olhei alguns tópicos aqui no forum , evitei cidades grandes e com movimento e mesmo assim o problema persiste . Minha internet é de qualidade , tenho fibra óptica , gostaria de um posicionamento da equipe de suporte , pois vejo várias pessoas com o mesmo problema !
  9. Today i wanted to play Truckersmp (ets 2) and i played it everything was working fine, after 1 hour my game crashed and now when i start truckers mp in game it shows unreliable connection error. I tried using administrator mode,uninstall,pc reboot? I also tried without admin but without it show same error but after 2 secounds game crashes with FATAL ERROR. Sorry for my bad English im from Poland and this is probably my first post there. (sloved) Waited 1 minute instead of instant clickind drive then it will work
  10. Hey, well, I've read lots and lots of topics about that, and all I can say is: It is not a user problem all the times! I've a stable ping, lower than my friends, no packet loss, no problems at all, but I still get kicked RANDOMLY, there can be only me in the area, me and a friend, me and a convoy, or me at Calais. But in the same way, there are times when I'm playing in places with 20+ people and I don't get kicked. Basically, the Unreliable Connection kick is a RANDOM kick sometimes and it ruins the experience Some answers in ahead for the people who are going to come with Copy and Paste answers: 1. If I wanna play in places with low population I'll play single-player. 2. No, my ping stays at 280~ and don't go over 300 nor less than 250. 3. My FPS stays stable at 50. 4. I've used the console for entire deliveries, I don't have ANY packet loss. 5. IT. IS. NOT. A. USER. PROBLEM. (Also: I've tested and yes, using a VPN works, but it is a pain to find a good server)
  11. Pretty much, got the same problem again as i mentioned back in my first support help forum post. Hi. Everytime i got my job done, after i click "continue" at the job done menu (you know the menu when you get XP after a job done), i got kicked because unreliable connection while my internet is in a good condition. i need some solution for this as its getting annoying to relaunch ETS 2 MP everytime i got a job done because after i click continue, i keep getting kicked because of unreliable connection. i really need a permanent solution down here as the fact clearing my DNS cache and restarting my router wont even help. Also note my Internet connection is already good enough to play TMP.
  12. Hello Everyone I Was Wondering If There Was A Fix To This I've Tried To Join On ATS Server And This Same Very Message Pops Up My Internet is fine and never had problems with my internet I don't have any pop blocks on my PC Nor Do I Have Virus Programs On In The Background Help ? ?????
  13. Every time I try to go in the EU1 server and when I click on Drive just before I load into the game I get kicked for unreliable connection. I have even tried running the game as an administrator. It won't let me load into the game at all it puts me in offline mode every time. The game worked fine before this update. Please help me as I can't wait to get back into the game. Thank you.
  14. Hello, so I've decided to reinstall truckers mp after I've upgraded my PC and when I enter the server Simulation 1 I get kicked after about 5 or 10 minutes. It says something about unreliable connection. Is there any fix or should I just wait for another update? Edit: Now I've change to the other Simulation server and the connection constantly breaks when I arrive in a city.
  15. Hi Community, Thanks for reading this topic! Since this week i have lots of trouble with lagg, its soo annoying. I know its not my computer for sure. Since it runned ETS 2 always good. But now with everything i do my game freezes for arround 10secs and then continue. For example im loading in and choose what server i want to join after that click my game freezes for couple seconds and then the mouse click has an action. Aswell with driving it freezes, and then i get kicked for "unreliable connection" Im getting really frustrated. Can please someoene help me. (This problem does aswell occur on singeplayer) Best kinds, Tim PC specs : i5-4440 16GB Ram DDR3 GTX 970
  16. Guten Tag die Damen und Herren, Ich werde seit ein paar Tagen dauernd wegen Unreliable Connection vom Server gesc hmissen und weiß nicht mehr weiter. Laut meines Wissen bedeutet das ja, dass ich eine schlechte Verbindung habe, was bei mir nicht zu trifft. Ich habe dauernd einen Ping ~35ms einen Geschwindigkeit von 16mb ↓ und 1mb ↑. (Bild ist unten) Im Hintergrund läuft immer nur Steam, FPH Sped-V (plus Telemetry) und Discord und derzeit hat es nie Probleme gegeben. Wer kann mir Helfen? chat_08_01_2019.log
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