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About UmuTRexe

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Networking and setup a nas or home server.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Turkey: Istanbul
  • Known languages
    Turkish, English

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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  1. There is 2 ways to fix it and ill help you step by step. First way is for players with low internet speed or have bufferbloat: Try to close all tabs in your browser and other unnecessary apps, if your family watch a youtube video with high quality also warn them or make some research and try to setup qos for your router. Second way is for players with a stable connection but still gets kicked (and its only for windows users): First run cmd as an administrator, then type ipconfig find your current adapter then note the subnet mask (commonly its, default gateway (and this will be or something like this). Now open settings, go Network and Internet > Change Adapter Options now find the current adapter for your pc (it will be Ethernet if you connected with a wire or Wi-Fi else) right click it then select properties, find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" double click it. And now we set a dns and a static ipv4, choose a ip address for your self maybe it will be "" type it then fill the blanks with your subnet mask and default gateway. If its done set preferred dns server, its and for cloudflare and - for google. Click Ok then close the window. Run another cmd as an administrator then type "netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces" it will show the interfaces with mtu parameters, find the most numbers that shows below bytes in and bytes out copy its name written below interface (It will be Ethernet or Wi-Fi). Type "netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Ethernet" mtu=1458 store=persistent" > I write Ethernet because im connected with wire. You can close the window if see the "Ok." text. Restart your game and hopefully it will help you, if its not get more information from your isp. Also sorry for my bad english and mistakes.
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