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Found 11 results

  1. I would like to ask if it goes to ets2 mp to give a mod to change the voice in the navigation?
  2. Hi, ich habe eine Frage/Vorschlag Und zwar geht es um folgendes: Die NaviStimme vom Spiel Intern gefällt mir nicht! Deswegen will ich eine Mod installieren, mit der ich andere Stimmen hinzufügen kann. Jetzt meine Frage: Funktionieren diese Mods in TruckersMP? Bzw. mein Vorschlag: Können diese Art von Mods in TruckersMP erlaubt werden, sodass man sie nutzen kann. Ich freue mich auf Antworten Mit freundlichen Grüßen ~Jonas
  3. Suggestion Name: Suggestion to "10 seconds no headlights" Suggestion Description: Add a message [with a beep] in the Navigation. Any example images: Why should it be added?: I've got kicked of the servers many times before because I didn't had my headlights on [according to the game]. It would be a great addition to add a beep and a message at the navigation-system to "Turn on your headlights within 20 seconds or you'll be kicked from the session". And why 20 seconds? Because there are people at TruckersMP/ETS2 who are new and still need to have the chance to get used to their button-layout/keyboard-config. Let's hope that the devs/mod-creators will consider this option if possible.
  4. So i found a Hungarian voice navigation, which is quite better than the english one (because of my language) and it feels better. So when the mp support is out can i use a mod like this?
  5. Suggestion Name: 1.35Voice navigation improvements Suggestion Description:add voice navigation, praise. But the voice content is too single and needs to be improved... Any example images:- Why should it be added?:Make the game navigation more perfect, the player experience is better
  6. Hey! So i wanted to try ETS2 multiplayer again but i was wondering if this mod is allowed to be used in TruckersMP. I am running a triple screen setup, and each time i want to look at my navigation, or look at my damage i have to break my neck to see the values i want to see. With this mod its right in the center to view for me. As far as i am aware this is not a game breaking mod and (imo) should be able to be used. But I will not try this until i am sure i won't get banned for using this mod. Thanks. Niek
  7. Suggestion Name: Voice navigation. Suggestion Description: You can not always look at the GPS. So it can be more realistic if Voice GPS is added. For example, when you approach heavy traffic, that will say "Traffic, traffic" and you will slow down by focusing on the game. I will be waiting for your comments. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Most players will not control the GPS. Maybe if brought in by voice, there could be fewer accidents and the game becomes more enjoyable.
  8. Im using a Scania Streamline but i want a gps "tomtom like" mod... The ingame gps is ugly as hell and i want a little bit more of realism!!!
  9. Map navigation on the dashboard does not work. It is still off. It works well in single. However, it does not work on multi only. I changed the dashboard map key, but it still does not work. Windows 10 64bit, Scania Streamline.
  10. Suggestion Name: Voice Navigation System Suggestion Description:Currently drivers only have gps installed and they need to move eyes from road often to see the map. Voice navigation system along with gps would be a great help for drivers to focus on driving at high speed. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: Suppose I am driving over 90 kmph on a three lane highway by the extreme left lane and I am supposed to take a right turn to enter some city but at that speed most of the time my eyes remain on road. So, (i) either i remove my eyes which can cause crash. (ii) i take a sudden right turn from that lane i am driving. In that case there is more chance of a crash. And (iii) I miss the turn and find a cutout (very rare to find) for a u-turn. Thus, I think a voice navigation system can be of great help for me and other drivers. Thanks for reading.
  11. Hello Truckers, So today at work I was thinking, what should they add to ETS2 (or ETS2MP)? And then this came. They need to make an extra tile to the little car display between the dials (called 'board computer' in the Netherlands)(Display which shows your gas state and oil temperature). So in my own car (Real life), the tile tells me to, for example, turn left in 500 meters. I think this would be an amazing addition to the game and it's realism. I know developers of ETS2MP can't make this, but I just wanted to let you all know and was curious about how you guys think about it. So let me know! I've posted this idea on SCS's forum. So maybe they'll get their hands on it, Since it would be a pretty cool addition. An example is shown on the picture below this post. Happy Trucking, Paul
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