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Found 12 results

  1. Suggestion Name: VTC player search box on ETS2Map Suggestion Description: I'd like to see a new Search box on ETS2Map website:https://ets2map.com/. After entering the name or id of a given VTC, we can see list the players available on the map.* *Of course, if a company has hidden members (option Display Members), it will not be possible to search for people from a given VTC in this search box. Any example images: Why should it be added?: In my opinion the ETS2Map map is very popular. Thanks to this option, all people using the map will gain: Feature The possibilities quickly find members from a given VTC on the ETS2Map. The ability to see how many VTC people are currently on the servers. It's quickly possible to check where the players from different VTCs are - useful as an additional option in managing big convoys. All options available search in one place. It is not necessary to open multiple tabs in the browser. Increasing visibility and interest in the VTC system Additionally, thanks to the new search box, some players will find out that there is such a thing as VTC. For example: they can think: "What is a VTC?". And therefore they can start looking information about VTC. Perhaps they will join to any VTC or create own their VTC. They're probably just going a more active in the TruckersMP in the future.
  2. Hakkımızda Ekibimizin kuruluş tarihi 09.09.2019'dur. Mustafa Yıldızı adıyla Mustafa / 35 ve Efe / 16 tarafından açılmıştır. Aile Bağlarını Ön Planda Tutar İlerlemektetir.Birçok Ekipten Farkı Olan VatanTürk Aile-dostluk-kardeşlik ilkelerini ilk safta tutar, bunun için büyük bir ekip olma yolunda büyük olduğu atıyoruz. Vatan Türk ekibi saygılı disiplinli yaptıkları Ekip Kurallar , ● Buhar uyumsuzluk olduğu, Kamyoncular mp Resminiz Grup Avatar Kullanın Zorunludur. ● Etkinlik Olduğu Zaman Geçerli Bir Mazeret Olmadığı Sürece Katılımınız Bizim İçin Önemlidir. ● Konvoylarımız önceden planlanır ve herkese duyurulur. ● Konvoy gereklidir gerekli haller dışında öndeki araç geçilmez. ● Küfür, Din, Irk, Siyaset Kesinlikle Yasaktır. ● Kurallara Uymayanların [TürkYıldızı] ile Yolları Ayrılır. Genel Sunucu Ve Oyun İçi Kuralları ☾ ☾ ☆ TürkYıldızı ☆ ☽ ╮ SUNUCU KURALLARI ● Küfür Yasak. ● Reklam Yasak. ● Spam Yasak. ● Harf Uzatmak (KİRLİLİK GÖRÜNÜMÜNE GİRERSE) Yasak. ● Argo Aşırı Derecede Kullanmak Yasak. ● Kanal Reklamı Yapmak Yaşak (EKİP KANALLARI HARİÇ) ● Her Türlü Dini, Siyasi, Irkçı Davranışlarda Bulunmak ve Tartışmak Yasaktır. ● Yetkililerin Emojilerini Almak Yasak. ● Konuk Ekibin Bot Komutlarını Kullanması Yasak. ● Cinsel İçerikli Şeyler Yazmak ve Paylaşmak Yasak. ● Yetkili Kişileri Gereksiz Meşgul Etmek Yasak. ● Fotoğrafınızı ekip fotosu yapmak zorunludur. ● Ekibimizin her zaman birbirinden haberdar olun . ● Konvoylarda araç sırası önceden planlanır ve buna göre hareket edilir. ● Konvoy gereklidir gerekli haller dışında öndeki araç geçilemez. ● Konvoylar konvoy günleri arasında bulunmaktadır haftada 3 gün konvoy vardır. ● Beriltilen oyun saatlerinde herkesin tam saatinde oyunda ● olması zorunludur aksi taktirde gerekmiyecektir. ● Kurallara uymayan veya uzun süre konvoylara oyunlara katılmayan ● Ekim Ekibimizle bağlantı kesilir Konuk ekibe kaydı yapılır. ● Şikayet ve dileklerinizi yöneticilerimize bildireceğiz. ● Herkes kuralları okumuş ve kabul edildi sayılır. İletişim Discord Adresimiz: https://discord.gg/uZ55ZTb Discord Değil Adresine Giriş Yapacak Mutlaka Mesaj Bırakırsanız Biz Size Geri Dönüş Yaparız İyi Oyunlar Dileriz
  3. Heyo! Suggestion Description: Option to hide our names on ETS2 map, other Players would cannot follow us on the MAP. Of course, except Staff members. Any example images: (Example image copied and modified from ..truckersmp.com/profile/settings) + Example image: Why should it be added?: I think it is a popular problem that We cannot hide our in-game name (account) on the ETS2 MAP when We are Online from other Players. I think We need more privacy. Sometimes We just want to drive alone, We don't need people behind us in every second. We don't need that, others teleport to us and harassing us with their undesirable following, because They can check us on the ETS2 MAP (where are we / where we going) and They says that "I checked you on ets2map haha". Of course, the most important thing is for me, the Trolls. They just check out my Name on the map and after this they follow me and blocking/ramming me. Its really annoying and I feel that, We would fix these problems If We would have a chance to hide our names. Kind regards, Petrova
  4. Suggestion Name: GPS Addon for ETS2Map Suggestion Description: I think it will be of great help to the players that the online map has the GPS feature to draw routes. With this feature, in addition to monitoring traffic in real time, the player can have its route in easy view. Why should it be added? For me it will be a great help, and I think it will help all the players that, like me, use the open map on a second screen and prefer to be guided by it, instead of the in-game map Regards, Maninho Staruck
  5. Hi everyone. Anyone know how to update/refresh username on ETS2Map? I've already change my username on TruckersMP, and someone told me to re-login on truckersmp.com and also forum.truckersmp.com. But still didn't work, ETS2Map still used my old username. Please, Anyone can help me?
  6. Co tu dużo mówić: http://ets2map.com/
  7. Od jakiegoś czasu nie działa mapa ets2mp ( link : http://ets2map.com/ ) na jednym i drugim komputerze, czy tylko ja tak mam? ; Chodzi mi o to, że nie pokazuje mi się żadnen gracz nawet gdy serwery są pełne i czasami nie wyświetlają mi sie drogi Paryża ( na mapie ets2mp : Map Still Under Constrution from France DLC
  8. We are back! https://map.truckersmp.com/ After some time in development are back with a new sidebar design and settings that save! We have lots of stuff planned for the future so stay tuned for updates in this thread. Any bugs or suggestions will be gladly accepted here! Thanks Krashnz & Kat_pw
  9. http://ets2map.com/ nie widzę graczy, Po konserwacji , obecnie
  10. Hi all! I'm always using this system -> http://ets2map.com, but today I do not see any truck.
  11. --Disregard, please. Topic already worked on -- Sorry if I placed the post in the wrong forums, I'm not sure if it fits in here! Is there a known problem with the ets2map.com? Normally I use it with the "follow" option as a moving map, but it shows me just "the nice offline picture" When I take a look to the general map, I only see "fixed black ants", that means, no one is moving... Seems to be a logging problem?
  12. На данный момент (данная система не работает по всей карте) я смогу показать свой грузовик, и другие грузовики вокруг вас, у которых включен файл программы Python. Эта программа выслает мне копию данных, которые вы получаете для меня, чтобы сделать некоторые "магические" вещи, а затем отображают вас на карте почти мгновенно. Если вы проверяете код, который вы увидите движущейся трафик в EU1, этот код тут же отправляется на сервер обработки для отображения на сайте ets2map.com. Ссылка с инструкцией : http://ets2map.com/radar *** ЗАПУСКАТЬ ОТ ИМЕНИ АДМИНИСТРАТОРА *** После того, как вы открыли сайт с картой и запустили программу, появится подобное окно, и ваш грузовик будет виден на ets2map.com Обновлено: v1.13 (Декабрь / 27/14) ** Обновление требуется, чтобы видеть на карте ** Изменения Проверка версии: Теперь с JSON! (это работает!) Обновлено: v1.12 ** Обновление требуется, чтобы видеть на карте ** Изменения API: Указатель на новый сервер отслеживания Проверка версии: Если вы время обновление на радаре пройдёт, то он откроет окно браузера, чтобы загрузить новые файлы. URL: Новый сайт в http://ets2map.com/radar/ Обновлен v1.1 Исправлено - Высокая загрузка процессора Улучшение - Улучшен экран загрузки =============================================================================================================== Установка Python: Для корректной работы радара вам потребуется не талько сам файл радара, но и программа, для отправки данных на сайт. Сам Python можно скачать с официального сайта. После установки Python, делаем следующее: • Скачиваем радар • Распаковываем • Запускаем от имени администратора Перевод \ Translate: ets2mp.ru Источник \ Source: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/2497-ets2map-radar-beta/#entry18979
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