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Xao Bai 625

Veteran Driver VI
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About Xao Bai 625

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  1. why the (DX recommende) isn't default,?
  2. when reconnected the players list no update sometime ,and what update ? why Away from the keyboard is not reconnect ,
  3. Thanks for the update ,ご苦労様,辛苦了,
  4. http://ets2map.com/ nie widzę graczy, Po konserwacji , obecnie
  5. 啥意思,,都是中文,咋看不懂呢,
  6. 老司机们,有兴趣一起游欧洲哇,だぞ, QQ群:ETS2老司机联运 227091875
  7. can support chinese ?
  8. I want to be able to produce a Chinese version of the, This is not asking too much, ? 我在想能不能出个中文版的, 这样是不是要求太多了,
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