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  1. In some posts about forum mod applications, it says that 17 is the minimum recommended age, but not the minimum, and it others, it says that it is the minimum. Is it? Will I be able to applicate with 16 y/o?
  2. hi,, im in New Zealand on MP ETS2 my ping in eruo 2 server is around 300,, now i know this game gets a hammering and drivers just want there load and gone,, but some of these drivers need to seriously learn how to Drive and have some Patience ... driving the wrong way and then abusing you when you both crash ,, or just not looking and bamm ya truck is totalled.. is there active police in game in major towns in peek times... is there a active Swat force to sort this out on the spot or active channel to contact someone... would be interested in joining or sorting out something as us kiwi drivers are on every day,,
  3. Beyler merhaba. Bana istediğiniz soruları sorabilirsiniz. Moderatör olma adayıyım. Oyun sıkıntılarında , DLC paket bilgilerinde , kurallarda vs... Yardımcı olacağım. Hello guys. You can ask me any questions you like. I am a candidate for the moderator. Frustration in the game , the DLC in the package information , rules, etc... I'll help.
  4. when I came on the main screen multiplayer password in the password section gives an error found such an e-mail password, but the system can not log in to the right you help me
  5. Hello, sooo i record and i report just player who realy do s***** s***** things. I dont report the Little a******* just the Big ones.. All my reports have a video file like this http://plays.tv/video/58c58a7eebeb7495f9/n3 WHY ignore my Reports and dont Accepted or Declined it ? If u need more admins / moderator then open the thread! .. PS: The Report 14Marc 8:55 i a accepted its just addet the ban time to the ban of the player..
  7. İ Need To Find Out How To Be And Admin / Moderator İm Member Since 17 Nov 2015 (In Truckers MP) İm Turkish İ Know English So Well (B1+) I Need To And Mod / Admin. HELP PLS...
  8. Hey,I'm interested how to make company? Can someone give me quick guide ?
  9. i was in uk driving on the left side and i got ban for nothing. this adnim is a goof.i was rec on twitch to https://clips.twitch.tv/corpserider88/CuriousPigNinjaTroll. this is *Profanity Removed*.sick of admin that ban people for nothing.the admin name is SprinterFS i try to appeal it and no comment back.dude a goof.i want to talk to some that is above the adimn
  10. Helloooooo This is not an appeal, and im not furious about your mistake, im just pointing it out. I got banned yesterday, for one day, nbd. But, when im in my punishment history, and i see that my ban is going to expire at 17:46. But then if i open the multiplayer game, and try to log in, it says 15:46. Thats it. Its a mistake or error, and should be fixed Topic Title: Bantime bugs [WEB] TruckersMP ID: 12187 URL: http://ets2mp.com/index.php?page=banAppeal Server Time/ Date: 2016-09-04 15:58:00 How to reproduce: I guess its only visible to me, because im not giving my login out Browser: Mozilla firefox 43.0.1 / ETS2mp Screenshots / Videos: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/user/12187 http://i.imgur.com/huNj2Nt.jpg
  11. Pursuit


    Hello, my name is David Šmaha and would like to become an admin on Euro Truck Simulator 2 multiplayer. Top server EU2 or EU3. ETS play very often, now, at least 4 hours a day. I can speak English well and my native language is Czech. I am 17. Using a program such as TeamSpeak 3 I have no problem. My Account steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/davidsmaha/ Thank you in advance for your reply.
  12. I had 3 calls for a 1 ban and I got a 1 ban and I was given three months ban. help. Why ? 4 Ban = 1MONTH
  13. Where i can send a request to be admin in the game Euro Truck Simulator 2? I don't see any sub-forum to do this. If someone can say me this i'll be grateful.
  14. Hi all ive been curious for a long while now and I want to know by someone whos is an in game admin or has been an in game admin I would like to know what is required to become an in game administrator? thanks kind regards
  15. ---FR--- Bonjour jorganise des convoi qui en generale se passe bien .MAIS la trop c est trop Dans mon dernier convoi qui cest passer plusque mal jai TOUS EU du spam du blocking des insulte ........ c 'est pour cela que je veux savoir si il est possible qu'un admin vien supporter un futur convoi merci de votre reponse ---EN--- Hello I organize convoys which generally go well .BUT there enough is enough In my last convoy which cest passed more that badly I ALL HAD of the spam of the blocking of the insults... That's why I want to know if he is possible only an admin vien to support a future convoy thank you for your answer
  16. Basically, four of us were in a game, and we all swore. I swore to my friend, and a jokey sort of way. But the three other occasions were provocative. They were trying to provoke the other party, and having a proper argument. Anyway, I got banned. I appealed, and said I 'hoped they were banned aswell'. The admin declined the appeal, and said that they were banned aswell. My friend was NOT banned. I need to speak with the admin, but I can't, as he already declined the appeal? Help please? Thanks guys
  17. [PL] Chciałbym prosić o pomoc ni wiedziałem gdzie dokładnie zadać to pytanie aczkolwiek chciałbym się ubiegać o admina. Dlaczego? Po pierwsze wiele razy przejeżdżam przez Rotterdam a sami dobrze wiemy co si tam wyrabia. Po drugie wiele razy ludzie proszą admina o pomoc ale nie zawsze admin ma czas na nagłą reakcje by od razu pomóc. Po trzecie jako że często jeżdżę tamtą drogą jestem już na miejscu. I ostatnie często widzę jaka się tam dzieje i wielokrotnie byłem ofiarą potrąceń oraz zderzeń czołowych i takie sytuacje były reportowane lecz często bezowocnie dlatego prosiłbym o upoważnienie by móc coś z tym w końcu zrobić. Z góry dziękuje za każde rozpatrzenie tego posta i proszę o ewentualne wskazówki [ENG] I would like to ask for help than I knew exactly where to ask this question but I would like to apply for an admin. Why? Firstly, many times go through Rotterdam and ourselves we know what out there kneading . Secondly, many times people ask the admin for help but no admin always has time to sudden reactions to immediately help . Thirdly, as we often go both roads I'm already in place. And last I often see what is happening there and has repeatedly been the victim of deductions and head-on collisions and such situations were Reported but often fruitless so I would ask for authorization to be able to do something about finally done . 'Advance thanks for any examination of this post and ask for any tips
  18. Hello there! I'm trying to login but says i am banned from the network when i'm loging in, when i check ets2mp, manage, ban appeal it says: my account is not banned. How does this come? Any fixes to this? Thanks, Regards Danne
  19. I got banned for no reason and with no evidence. I am being accused of blocking a road when I haven't. I believe I got banned for having PKK on my name.
  20. Hi, i'm a respectful driver, and my dream is become an admin of multiplayer..how can I?
  21. I am new to this but i started the game and it loaded me with a trailer then i deliver that and it asked me to pick a location after that i cant play anything no jobs come up. Please help me guys Thank you
  22. Mimo tego że dostałem jednego bana za obrażanie ludzi na innym koncie po czym zmieniłem swoje zachowanie to on i tak grozi mi banem, dokucza mi,rozsyła to co pisałem na czacie innym osobom zeszłego roku. (Nie był on wtedy Adminem i też mnie obrażał) Prosze żeby wyjaśniono tę sprawe lub zabranie tej osobie admina na teamspeak3 ponieważ admin nie powinien dokuczać osobom o niższych uprawnieniach moim zdaniem. Chodzi mi o RidosPL który mnie obraża i wysyła linki do tego co ja kiedyś pisałem bo dostałem mute za to ze oni mnie wyzywali i ja ich tez. Sądze że to jest nie sprawiedliwe że potym jak on mnie wyzywał dostał Admina i nadal mi dokucza. Prosze o rozpatrzenie sprawy (Steam: Jacob TS3:MasterMVP)
  23. Hello everyone I bet you have seen this quite often, were you will see people with tags next to their name. [Light crew], [Traffic-crew], [Traffic Enforcer], etc. the list go on. Many of these people I’d noticed have been "Playing" Police or stating that "admin told me to do this" which we all know is NOT true! I'm just curious can we report them? Because it’s becoming a great nuisance. (Irritant) Please I’d love to know what we can do other than ignore their ignorance.
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