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  1. Hey kan nogen hjælpe mig? når jeg skal spille Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer så fryser og når jeg laver jobliste så står der at spillet ikke svarer men den fryser altså når jeg skal sove, transportere mig til værkstedet eller hoppe hen til en af mine garager....spillet i sig selv når jeg køre kører meget bedre end det gjorde før jeg fik omkørt maskinen hvilket skete her i weekenden så den er ret clean nu...jeg tænker måske at det har noget at gøre med at jeg har garager i alle byer næsten og at den måske har svært ved at loade spillet? hvad tror i? og hvad kan afhjælpe problemet?
  2. памогите прошу вас у меня ошибка не могу в онлайне кататся чтото.https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/209061-uarus_игорь-25/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198275398038 профиль труксмп мой вот и вот стим профиль мой
  3. I believe that if developers added other cars to players, Euro Truck Simulator 2 MultiPlayer would be much more interesting and would bring more success to MultiPlayer mode. Add cars like: '' Skyline '' https://ets2.lt/en/nissan-skyline-gtr-r34-v2-0/ ... Some buses and bus trips, such as: '' EAA BUS '' http: //www.ets2world.com/eaa-bus-map-v5-1-update-1-35-ets2/ ... It would be much more interesting and would arouse more interest in many more users ... And if adding more car options to the '' Simulator '' in '' MultiPlayer '' mode would be much more interesting and not just a specific car model on the road. ! (Just a good tip for Multiplayer mode creators and good for players who just want to ride a varied car in Multiplayer mode) - ((Would make Multiplayer Simulator Mode a lot more realistic)) Ass: Sérgio L.
  4. Suggestion Name: A sort of player to player job Suggestion Description: Something like players can work to another player's company, instead of BOTs. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Some sort of panel with jobs requests and job offers, so the players can offer and request jobs from another player's company.
  5. A Euro Cargo Transportes SA está neste momento a recrutar condutores experientes para se juntar há nossa equipa, caso esteja interessado em fazer parte de uma equipa dinâmica, eficiente e com perfil de liderança, basta preencher o forumulario abaixo indicado. Normas Euro Cargo: Procuramos apenas condutores experientes e responsáveis para se juntar há nossa equipa. Todos os condutores antes de ingressarem na nossa empresa são sujeitos a um teste de condução nas nossas instalações em Frankfurt am Main. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AT8JAxYnTyfB1C4-hciZk-1ynvRYrfKG6jcdmzhtPDE/viewform
  6. Husky Trasporti è un progetto che il fondatore Siberian Husky porta avanti da ben 3 anni. In questo periodo abbiamo sempre lavorato di nascosto. I player ci chiedevano e ci domandavano, ma l'unica cosa che potevamo dirgli era "Presto saprete", restevamo molto vaghi. un giorno, precisamente il 5 giugno del 2018, ci siamo decisi e insieme ad amici abbiamo deciso, dopo ben 3 anni di preparazione, di fondare la Husky Trasporti. Eravamo solo in 10, ma pia piano, grazie anche ad altre VTC siamo cresciuti. Ora la nostra ditta conta 17 autisti, e il nostro server discord arriva a 63 utenti tra autisti e assocciati. Il nostro obbiettivo e divertirsi e creare un posto dove la gente possa giocare in tranquillita rispettando tutte le regole del quieto vivere e anche del multiplayer. Allora ti ho convinto? Ci accompagni in questa avventura Siberiana? Aspettiamo solo te Se vuoi far parte di Husky Trasporti devi: 1) Compilare la richiesta d'assunzione sul nostro sito web 2) Unirti al nostro server Discord 3) Compilare la richiesta d'assunzione su Vtlog > Sito web: https://huskytrasporti.wixsite.com/huskytrasporti > Vtlog: https://vtlog.net/vtc/3930 > Discord: https://discord.gg/ERdvXDK > Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/husky_trasporti?r=nametag > Twitter: https://twitter.com/HTrasporti?lang=it
  7. Bonjour tout le monde J'ai un Soucis Avec ma Cibi J'ai beau allumer / éteindre et changer de périphérique Dans le tabs / Windows pas de son Qui sort de la boite noire Mais se si dit les autres m'entends Help me merci Cordialement
  8. კომენტარის სახით დაწერეთ თქვენი ტრაილერის ფოტოები სასურველია მისამბელით და ვისაც მეტი ხმა ექნება ამ თვის დასასრულს ის გაიმარჯვებს.
  9. I would like to know why the suspension to air is prohibited in the TMP being that it does not disturb any player, just another player that will see the truck with the tires under the asphalt.
  10. Hello Because I have such a problem, I bought a new ssd drive to the computer and installed Windows 7 64-bit on it and how it is everybody doing pre-installed drivers etc. I installed Steam and logged in to the account, I downloaded ETS2. I run ets2 and look and there is not my profile on which I had approx. 17lvl and 2.4 million PLN on the account. And I do not know what to do because I played a little to beat such a lvl and earn so much cash. PS: I wrote ets2 for support. (And as if what I am green in these subjects) Thank you in advance for all the answers.
  11. Neden GlobalTurkTeam ? Önceliğimiz Euro Truck Simulator 2 olarak uzun Yıllardan beri Tekli Oyuncu ve Çoklu Oyuncu Lojistik firma anlayışı ile devam ettirdiğimiz bu güzel ve eğlenceli platform'da daima sevgi saygı disiplin ve aile ortamında bir arada olmaktır amacımız. Genel Olarak MultiPlayer ağı üzerinden Konvoylar Düzenlemek -Diğer Lojistik Firmaları ile Ortak Konvoylar Yapmak. -Yeni Çıkan DLC paketlerini Test etmek -ETS2 Hakkında yeni Çıkan Tüm Haberleri Yakından Takip Etmek Neden Global ? Evrensel olmamızdaki neden Tüm dünya oyuncularını aynı anda istedikleri tüm oyunlarda buluşturmak ve eğlenceli bir ortam yaratmak.Zor ve sert kurallar olmaksızın Tüm oyunların özel odaları olan Team Speak 3 Kanalımızda ayrıca tüm You tube'de Video Çeken ve Canlı Yayın açan oyuncuları da aramızda olmasını sağlamaktır amacımız. ARKADAŞLIK ANLAYIŞI Dürüst, güvenilir, gizli kapaklı bir yönü olmayan tarzda, ‘Açık Kitap Yaklaşımı’ ile ilişkiler kurarak, tüm arkadaşlarımız ile aynı derecede sorumluluk hissedip; tutarlı, doğru, istikrarlı ve sürekli geri bildirimlerle arkadaşlarımızın memnuniyetini maksimum seviyede tutan bir anlayışta eğlenceli zaman geçirmek. TAKIM ÇALIŞMASI Takım sinerjisi yaratmayı bilen, önsezilere ve sorumluluk dayalı, kararlı, yenilikçi, bütünlükçü, sürekli destekleyen, her türlü riske duyarlı, sorun ve engellere meydan okuyabilen, aynı zamanda başarıyı da paylaşan bir yaklaşımda çalışmak ve üretmek. SAMİMİ İLETİŞİM Güvenilir, girişimci, hızlı geri bildirim yapabilen, sürekli destekleyici, çözüm odaklı yaklaşan ve sözünün eri bir anlayışla iletişim kurmak. Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/groups/1789327008047028/members/ FacebookPage: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalTurkTeam/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globalturkteam/?hl=tr TeamSpeak: globalturkteam.ts3self.com Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/globalturkteam# Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtS28vtfzAkCnwywNqEi5A Webpage: https://teamglobalturk.wixsite.com/globalturkteam
  12. Galera, estou com o seguinte erro, me ajudem por favor "não poderia injetar dll no processo de jogo (inicialização do cliente falhou) por favor tente iniciar o jogo novamente. Se o problema persistir, por favor, tente reinstalar o mod."
  13. para poder ingresar un mod a tu juego sea american o euro lo que tienes que hacer es seguir estos simples pasos: 1- Abrir el administrador de archivos dando click en inicio y administrador de archivos. 2- buscar la carpeta mis documentos y abrirla. 3- abrir ya sea la carpeta american truck simulator o euro truck simulator ( eso depende del mod para el juego que desean añadir) 4- buscas la carpeta MOD y lo pegas ahi Despues solo queda activarlo en el juego y disfrutar tu mod
  14. Guest

    Connection broken

    When i want to play the text in top-right corner says "Authenticating" and then i see "Connection with the server has been broken" message on chat.
  15. SWEFR International Trucking Company. Siège social : Lille-Göteborg Compagnie franco-suédoise de transport international Virtual Trucking Company La SWEFR propose 13 postes à pourvoir dans les secteurs suivants : Ressources Humaines, Organisation, Transport[Chauffeurs]. Chaque candidature sera entièrement consultée, nous vous demandons de ne pas mentir sur le/les informations que nous vous demandons. Le poste s'effectuera sur le jeu solo ou sur le multiplayer (tout trajet fera l'office d'une feuille de route à la fin de la mission). Consultez notre site web pour plus de renseignement ou directement la page de recrutement. Conctactez nous par mail pour encore plus de renseignements.
  16. Witam. Zapraszam na jutrzejszą audycję, która odbędzie się w EuroTruckRadio. Jest to próbna audycja. Jeśli się przyjmie to zostanie ona w grafiku. Polish Hour jak sama nazwa mówi, będzie zawierać Polską muzykę i nie tylko, ponieważ będzie ona cała prowadzona po Polsku. Jeśli chciałeś kogoś pozdrowić, jednak nie wiedziałeś jak masz to zrobić po Angielsku, to już masz okazję. Jest to moja wyciągnięta ręka do Polskich słuchaczy radia. słuchaj nas na https://eurotruckradio.co.uk Jeśli nie działa link, to zapraszamy tutaj http://eurotruck.radio.net Tak więc co tutaj dużo mówić. Zapraszam Nadchodząca audycja:
  17. Arkadaşlar merhaba bende bu sorun var; Ben oyuna giriyorum ve ''Install Available Updates'' Yazıyor Basıyorum Ama Birşey Olmuyor. 10 Kere 20 Kere Denedim Olmadı Yardımcı Olursanız Teşekkürler... YORUMLAR KISMINDA İNGİLİZCEYE ÇEVİRİRSENİZ BU YAZDIKLARIMI SEVİNİRİM İngilizcem Kötü İYİ FORUMLAR! Topic is inactive. Locked & Moved to Archieve
  18. I have problems with the client there is no program in control pannel (i think you should add one) can someone tell me or show my how to uninstall the client so i can fix my current problems? And maybe re-install the client
  19. So, whenever I start up ETS2 or ETS2MP(or ATS/ATSMP), there is a message saying something about SDK features and that i should click OK. I had this message for a few months now, and it always worked when i clicked OK. But now when I click OK, my game just freezes and i have to close it via task manager. do you know what i could do? do you also had this issue?
  20. When you read the title, i do know how to fix it and if you have the same problem, then i know how you might be able to fix it. After few updates at the past i have gotten notes about having a ,,unsupported game version,, every time update comes out. after you download the update,you still get the itsact same notification. Yes,i also fell into confusion and wondered,am i ever able to play ETS2MP? I watched one youtube video and i was advized to open steam and find ,,Euro truck simulator 2,,. Keep the arrow on the ,,Euro truck simulator title,, and right click it. After you gave done tgat, move down and open ,,properties,,.. Click ,,Betas,, and you select a version of the game ETS2 recommends you to pick. By it i mean that, after i tried to open up the game earlyer and got a notification, it advized me,which version i need to have,to open the game. (for excample ,,Euro Truck Simulator 2v.,,) Good luck!
  21. Hello, I tried to play multiplayer today, but I have to downgrade and I can't find the correct version in steam betas. Can someone tell me which version do I need to play multiplayer? Thanks!
  22. Zablokowany wyjazd z serwisu w Berlinie Parę osób prosiło o nagranie więc wrzucam
  23. 07.01.2015 koło Berlina powstał mega zator , w którym sporo osób zostało poszkodowanych. Ciężarówki 'latały' bo zbugowały się naczepy. Jak ktoś chce się odwołać to tu jest filmik ENJOY! Korek trwał ponad 2 godziny bo akurat nie było admina
  24. Witam.. Mam taki problem polegający na tym,że w obecnej sytuacji mam zainstalowanego ETSa a rożnymi dodatkami.. były kupione i wszystko tip top.. kupilem wersje "cyfrowe" czylidostałem sam klucz.. myśle że każdy wie o co chodzi teraz postanowiłem kupić lepszy ppod wzdledem wydajnosci laptop i z tego co sie orientuje to nie da sie tak o przenieść moich gier zeby nadal dzialaly.. Czy wie ktoś o jakimś tajnym ruchu różdżki i przypadkiem jest jakiś sposób na to żeby nadal było tip-top PS: o tym że mozna sobie kupić ponownie to ja wiem proszę o rozsądną pomoc
  25. Witam. Od jakiegoś czasu zaczęły pojawiać się crash'e. Prawdopodobnie stało się to wraz z aktualizacją 1.19. Występują one różnie, czasem zaraz po wejściu do gry, a czasem po jakiejś godzinie grania. Problem dotyczy wyłącznie multiplayer'a, w trybie singleplayer to się nie zdarza. Mój komputer: Płyta główna: Gigabyte GA-MA770-US3 Procesor: AMD Athlon II X4 630 Karta graficzna: AMD Radeon R7 265 Pamięć RAM: 7GB DDR2 goodram/kingston W razie potrzeby podania więcej informacji na temat komputera proszę pisać. System operacyjny, który mam zainstalowany to Windowas 7 Home Premium 64bit. Dodam jeszcze, że reinstalacja gry nie pomogła. Posiadam DLC Going East oraz Scandinavia. Nie mam żadnych dodatkowych malowań ani modów. Tutaj podaje log z pliku game.crash
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