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  1. Sizcede Sunucularda Admin Eksikliği Varmı?
  2. Suggestion Name: Giving Skoda to Players with Certain Hours Recommendation Description: I think Skoda Vehicles should not be given to every player. For example, it can be given to players with a minimum of 100 hours or to players with a minimum of 400 hours. Any Sample Image: ** Why Add? ; Troll players in the game use Skodas in many different ways, driving fast and causing accidents, using the vehicle as a rally car and playing an important role in irregular traffic.
  3. Normalde Kurallarda Admin Save Editten Ban atar ve Kulanıcıya Kanıt sunması İçin Zaman Tanır Kulanıcı Kanıtı Sunduğunda Admin Onaylarsa Banı Kaldırmak Zorunda Değil mi ? Your ban will not expire until you have provided proof of change/removal. Değişiklik/kaldırma kanıtını sunana kadar yasağınız sona ermeyecektir.
  4. Suggestion Name: Pickup trucks Suggestion Description: pickup trucks and hauling jobs Why should it be added? I would rather see pickup trucks be added than the skoda since it is in the same category as trucks, i believe it would also do a wonderful job with hauling jobs and also to give players a realistic feeling of what it is like to haul trailers with a pickup truck while there are thousands of other drivers around doing the same thing. And i also think players would engage more in the game if modified kits where added each update for the pickup trucks and also there are some people who dont want to be too high or too low of the ground and thats where the pickup truck comes in and also since it is smaller than alot of semis it should be cheaper which should enable beginners or starter players to learn easier by doing the easier haulings first and then as they level up they move on to bigger trucks and trailers. o
  5. Aynı pc'den 2 kardeş oynuyoruz ben işten geldikten sonra kardeşim ban yemiş kendi hesabıma eriştikten sonra böyle bir sorun ile karşılaştım forumda bir kaç konuya göz atım ama aklıma pek yatmadı o yüzden buraya bu konuyu açmak istedim oyunu giriş sağladıktan sonra [kendi hesabım ile ] = connecting refused. the system has deceted another account that may belong to you that is currently banned // diye bir şeyler yazıyor bunu 2 defa denedim ve sonra girmedim dahada acaba bunu girdim girdiğim için perma ban yeme ihtimalim olurmu 2 defadan sonra bir daha denemedim
  6. I sent a comment on feedback a few days ago and is marked as under investigation. I was sent a generic message 2 hours later in which I responded as it seems it doesn't apply to my message but no reply back after a couple of days and I cannot create another post on feedback until it is closed. What should I do?
  7. Suggestion Name: Call Admin Suggestion Description: My idea is that in very busy areas such as the Kirkenes Zone, Calais - Duisburg or Events and others, have a button on the Tab for example and that if there is an Admin available to come take a look. Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/YrhITB5 Why should it be added?: I think that it should be added in 2 ways, one is that the players would behave sooner if they saw an Admin, and the traffic would be more fluid, at rush hour Kirkenes did not drop below 3 hours stuck .... And the other is why if the Admins are bored or do not know what to do because they can attend to it, I believe that there is always an Admin available ... no?
  8. Yeni Adminler gelsin . Alıımlar baslasın
  9. Firstly, I have 3 ban .. And I want be game moderator. As far as I remember, "If you have 3 ban, you can't be moderator vb." I seen this .. Can I be Game Moderator ..? TruckersMP Name : gmr_emrr0
  10. Hello Everyone, This may be a bit of topic but I need to find nightsword^, i have been searching for him for almost 4 days now, we recently had a chat in-game about something i need help about, he said if i do need help then search for him on twitter, although i can not find his account anywhere, i have sent a friend request on discord, if you are reading this NightSword^, then please add me on discord as i would like some help from you. You may remember me from a previous chat at the road side at the C-D road by the train area. Also if you know NightSword^ please reply and let him know i have posted this forum THANK YOU TO ALL THE ADMIN AND STAFF FOR MAKING TRUCKERSMP AND ETS2 A BETTER GAME TO PLAY Thanks, XBTheGamerYT
  11. Guest

    Comboio GCEE

    COMBOIO OFICIAL G.C.E.E - 13/04/2019 Olá, convido a todos para mais um comboio da GCEE, a empresa mandante desse sábado será a SBS Xpress e estão todos convidados a participar, como de costume todos os nossos comboios são observados por GMs da TruckersMP, então sigam as regras para evitar penalidades. Abaixo estão algumas Informações do comboio: Data: 13/04/2019 Concentração: 20h00 (Horário Oficial de Brasília) Saida: 21h00 (Horário Oficial de Brasília) Cidade de Saída: Milão (Libellula) Cidade de destino: Frankfurt (WGCC) Carga: Escolha ou crie uma carga ! Servidor: Euro 2 Server Reserva: Euro 3 REGRAS Não é permitido ultrapassar no comboio. Respeito às Escoltas, GMs e todos acima de tudo. Contamos com sua presença! . Ordem de Saída e maiores informações disponível em nosso site. Acesse nosso site: http://www.gcee.com.br/
  12. After a certain period of time or only directly from Europe 2 server was doing everything I did but could not find the solution please help?
  13. New Admin Vehicle Costumization Options: Suggestion Description: Hello Everyone. I got a new suggestion to make regarding the paintjobs that admins could use in truckersmp. I spoke to some admins and we came to a conclusion that some of them still prefer trucks over cars. So how could we solve this. First of all i would like to propose on an idea we came up with. As many of truckersmp players know. There is a paintjob specificly used by admins with blue lights ofcourse. So my question is: Why not add a police skin for trucks that are already available in steam workshop? (i am aware that the skins would have to be modified.) Thats what i would like to suggest. Also i suggest that blue light beacons would be added to the trucks. And even Police trailers skins should be available for the admins to use. i would like to suggest that they should be reflective aswell. Any Example Images? Pictures are unavailable atm. Why Should This Be Added? So why should this be implemented. Well it would give admins more choices of ,,patrolling" i believe it could make the game more realistic (because police trucks already exist to carry equipment etc.) Also from my point of view its always nice to see something different than cars and if the skins are going to look nice and it will allow the administrators drive and finish jobs. I dont see anything negative than adding work to the addon team. So what other advantages does it have then improving realism. Well it adds more options for admins which means more freedom of choice. I will be happy to find out your opinions and ideas/suggestions. And also ill be happy to know if its possible to make or not. Thank you for reading this. And i want to wish you a nice day. Sincerly, Matthew P. / TheGoodGuy1515
  14. nasıl admin olabilirim veya olmaya çalışabilirim bunu bilmiyorum yardım ederseniz sevinirim
  15. What do you think if MP adds fake admin cars on the side of the roads or patrolling AI cars with their fake names? Can that prevent trolls?
  16. Suggestion Name: Add a time limit on when one can when blocking before kicking Suggestion Description: Today i was kicked by admin Keezome for blocking, i had slowed to avoid a accident and got knocked over by the car behind, as i pressed enter on f7 i got kicked for blocking, the admin had pulled behind about 15 seconds earlier. now i have a fairly unresponsive mouse which means it will probably take me 15 seconds to click the tow option in the first place this is slightly unfair, i propose a waiting time of at least 30 seconds before block kicking as it will annoy other players if they get kicked. Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/vqlWJmd , https://imgur.com/a/VeLTprN Why should it be added?: to save on the stress and frustration caused by kicking . banning for a short amount of time
  17. When will the game module be opened? I have conditions for admin for the truckersmp. But a few days ago, game mod was closed. When can I complete the admin requesting list?...
  19. Beyler rapor sistemi benim bildiğim kadarıyla adminlerin sahneyi izlemeleriyle yapılıyor ancak bu adminler nasıl bir gözle izliyorlar anlamış değilim tam izlemiyolar mı veya ilgilenilmiyor mu? bariz şekilde bilerek çarpan milletin önüne kıran bilerek blocking yapan veya normal yolunda giderken bile bile direksiyon kırıp bariz bilerek sana çarpan adamı bile raporladığımda bir süre sonra "Nickname" hakkında hiçbir işlem yapılmadı yazısı geliyor. adminler neden var diye sorasım geldi ama daha iyi bir soru buldum; rapor sistemi neden var?!?!?!
  20. Hello; I've been banned for no reason yesterday. I've appealed and I'm finally unbanned today. Unfortunately I couldn't play the game yesterday because of irresponsible game mod who doesn't even watch the proofs before punishing players. I've asked for administrative complaints link/e-mail in my appeal but probably the game mod in question just ignored my request and didn't give me the contact link for the administrative complaints. He just said "I am really sorry, there was misunderstanding between two trucks. The ban will be replaced with "@BANBYMISTAKE" and removed." instead of giving me the administrative complaints link/e-mail. I'd probably remain banned if I didn't record when the vehicle crash happens. Here is the video which some person used to report another person: The video that made me banned for no reason. And my perspective: EGEKAN As you CLEARLY see I have done nothing and I've been banned for this. I'd like to make an administrative complaint against the game mod that banned me without watching the proofs carefully. In short, could you guys give me a link or e-mail for this? Best regards.
  21. ETS2' Türkiye dlc'nin olmasını istiyorum ilgili kişi ve kişilere arz ve rica ederim
  22. Moin Moin liebe Freunde der zahlreichen Achsen! Jene von euch die die einsamen Stunden auf den Autobahnen satt sind und/oder sich einer (neuen) Spedition anschließen möchten, sind hier Fündig geworden! Bevorzugst auch du Hubraum statt Wohnraum? Ist der Güterverkehr genau dein Ding? Dann aber schnell zur RML! - Rhein-Main Logistik Idealerweise fährst du via Trucksbook und Sped-V oder nutzt zumindest eines Davon. Falls nicht, bin ich gerne bei der Installation und Einrichtung behilflich. Teamspeak ist allerdings, zwecks kommunikation, pflicht. Da sich die Firma neu und im Aufbau befindet suchen wir vom Personalmanagement bis zum Fahrer. Klingt Interessant? - Dann schaue auf dem TS (IP: RML) vorbei! Im Regelfall bin ich im Teamspeak zugegen. - (Nein ich bin nicht der User "Gott" - Das ist lediglich ein Bot, der einige funktionen steuert und noch weitere Aufgaben erhalten wird) :-) Falls nicht erscheine ich zeitnah! In der Zwischenzeit freut sich einer der Musikbots sicherlich über ein wenig Gesellschaft. Eine HP haben wir nicht, kann jedoch, sofern es der Wunsch der Fahrer ist zügig eingerichtet werden. An dieser Stelle erspare ich mir das gelaber wie toll die Firma doch ist und weshalb du lieber zur RML als zu anderen Speditionen gehen oder wechseln solltest. Daher geht es direkt mit dem nervigen Teil weiter - ein paar Regeln (würg): 1.) Das Ganze ist immer noch ein Spiel - Reallife geht vor! 2.) Es gibt kein Gehetze oder Beleidigungen gegenüber anderen Fahrern und Firmen! 3.) Jeder wird mit Respekt und Anstand behandelt! 4.) Streitigkeiten innerhalb der Firma werden GEMEINSAM gelöst! 5.) Alleingänge, vor allem der Führungsebene, werden ungern gesehen! 6.) Absichtliches Rammen, Rücksichtsloses fahren etc. sind vollständig untersagt! 7.) Teamspeak, Trucksbook und (falls möglich) Sped-V sind Pflicht! 8.) Wer hier Fahren möchte, braucht ein gewisses Maß an Sarkasmus, schwarzem Humor und Ironie. Gefällt dir? - Dann auf auf zur RML - TS: RML - Alles weiter kann gerne aufm TS und/oder bei einer gemeinsamen Fahrt besprochen werden. Freue mich von euch zu hören!
  23. Guest

    Admin Nasıl Olabilirim

    Merhaba Gençler Admin Olmak İstiyorum Ama Nasıl Olunur Bilmiyorum Bir Admin Varsa Bana Ulaşırsa Sevinirim İngilizce İyi oyunu 60 saat falan oynama saatim var 3 kere banlanmam var bana ulaşıp yardım ederseniz sevinirim saygılar İngilizcem İyi
  24. I'm waiting reply for report... 25 Hours. If you're a staff member, will you take action on this criminal? Thank you. MP ID : 997102
  25. Guest

    Erken Yaşta Adminlik

    Bunu Türk arkadaşlarıma soruyorum benim yaşım 13-14 acaba bu yaşta admin olurmu diyorum size sormak istedim yorumlarınızı bekliyorum 1 yorum bana göre altın değerindedir <3
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