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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by AllstarDK

  1. Tillykke Christmar - og alt held og lykke med din nye rolle 😊

    1. ChristmarDK


      Mange tak Allstar 🙂 Ser frem til at det går godt med det 

  2. Thanks for the follow Werzey 🙂

  3. Thanks for the follow 🙂

  4. Thanks for the follow 🙂

  5. Thank you for the follow 🙂

  6. Thank you for the follow 🙂

  7. Thank you for the follow Lemon ?

  8. Thank you for the follow?

  9. Thank you for the follow ?

  10. Congrats with the new role and thanks for the follow ?

    1. Elih.


      Thank you!! :HaulieLove:

  11. Rest in peace Speedy. I am highly grateful to have met you. Eternal cheese for you ?

  12. Boolio ? not also you ?

  13. Sad to see you leave the team Chris, hope to see you onboard soon ❤️ once a catto, always a catto ! my DM's are always open for you ?

  14. Thanks for the follow Ricky ?

  15. Congrats State ❤️ ?

  16. Thank you for the follow ?

  17. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. Nicolasete


      You're welcome and thank you for the follow too!!

  18. Thank you for the follow ! ?

  19. Thank you for the follow - right back!?

  20. Thank you for the follow ?

  21. Thank you for the follow ?

  22. Congrats on the promotion Stan! Definitely well deserved ?

    1. Stan


      Thank you Allstar ?

  23. Thank you for the follow!?

    1. 'hazaard


      ur welcome bruder..

  24. Thank you for the follow ?

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