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Andalusi Trucker

Veteran Driver VIII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Andalusi Trucker

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Granada - Andalucia 🇪🇸
  • Interests
    🔹 Spanish trucks, Arab trucks and turkish trucks
    🔹 interested in five countries about culture, tradition and history: Andalusia, Morocco, Saudi-Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar
    🔹 some Lego sets
    🔹 Maroc tea
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Preferred Trailers
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Albuquerque
  • EU Garage Location
    Spain: Almeria
  • Known languages
    Español 🇪🇸 | English 🇺🇸 | 🇸🇦 العربية

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  1. Suggestion Name: Preferred trailers on user profile page Suggestion Description: Add below the "Preferred trucks" section a "Preferred trailers" section with trailer brands (Tirsan, Wielton, Krone,...) Any example images: Why should it be added?: To show other virtual truckers which trailer brand (Tirsan, Wielton, Krone,...) you use often
  2. (Note: This topic can be seen on many tablets and on PC. On mobile phone looks weird due the scale of the list.) Hello truckers, here is an overview of all trailer types from all trailer DLCs in ETS2. Flatbed Dropside Standard* Frigo Container Cistern Dumper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [01] Tirsan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [02] Wielton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [03] Kässbohrer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [04] Schmitz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [05] Krone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06] Kögel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [07] Schwarzmüller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [08] Feldbinder *Standard = Curtainsider and Dry Van trailers = This trailer exist in real life and ETS2. = This trailer exist in real life but not in ETS2. (SCS need license for this trailer) If you have not much money, then this list will help you to buy a trailer DLC with this trailers you want. I will update the list if SCS get license from new trailer brands or from missing trailers in the list. Enjoy trucking with the trailers
      • 3
      • Like
      • Awesome!
  3. I have created a ticket on support section. This is the answer of a support team member: "Hello Andalusi Trucker, Thank you for contacting the Support Team. My name is JCBBuilds, and I will be handling your ticket today! Regarding your issue, this is a known bug currently. Hopefully these accessories will be synced soon however unfortunately its not the top priority for the Game Developers." Kind regards, JCBBuilds TruckersMP Support
  4. Hello, there is a problem in MP by all players. Since the Switzerland Trade Connection Event there are new Flag pennants in ETS2. I have some new Flag pennants on my truck and this flags works fine on MP, but this new flag pennants is not shown by other players. This problem is by all players in MP, not only me. Please fix this problem.
  5. All the new flag pennants from Switzerland Event is supported too ??
  6. Yes, problem is solved. Thank you.
  7. Hello, i have deactivated Going East DLC on Steam. I have writen the command "-dlc_dep_cont" in start options in properties in ETS2 in Steam and it works in Singleplayer but in MP not work. I want to play MP without Going East DLC. Can anyone help me please to solve this problem ? Thanks
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