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Veteran Driver VII
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About TheHardGamer101

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Reno

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  • VTC Name
    Apollo Logistics

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  1. It has been brought up in the suggestions by me and others!!!
  2. Could be something to do with your port, i heard from other people.
  3. Not Needed
  4. Agreed!!!!
  5. I was just about to make this!! lol
  6. game.log.txt
  7. What do you mean?
  8. Here are some pictures to help with this. A lot of people ask me all the time! Open the menu: Press TAB while in-game. Activate your mouse: Right-Click when the menu is up. ! Alternative: open settings in the screen that you select servers.
  9. So my game works fine just one thing, when i want to tab or go to something else it says not responding. Anyone know why?
  10. Makes so much sense, there are just too many people at these stops and such as convoy's and more!!
  11. Ya I think it would benefit a lot just for the traffic backup and for companies, you know what i mean!!!
  12. Can't you look in the log spawning and see the truckersmp # and then report it on the website?
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