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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Empirekicking

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Metz
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  1. Love to join but from what I'm watching so far half of the truckers are lost or taken the wrong turn. So I'm seeing allot driving around trying to get on track with the convoy
  2. had like three updates in a short space of time and still can not get online
  3. 20 of us waiting to convoy with the new DLC
  4. Been some time ago since I Was last on here

  5. Good tips Also to mention one very good option to stay away from the very busy areas. And those players in those cars are just as bad then the trucks. I was trying to leave the location and somehow it was driving fast and went under my truck
  6. What's the cat say to the dog? 

    1. [VIVA] Savage Frog
    2. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      Bigger cat

  7. Who her like 123movies? 

  8. I'm back from the dead, and alive. what is next!!!

    1. Fezz


      Welcome back :D


  9. Bulgarian language that's cool
  10. @[ConSecGroup] shoval029 Your aer longer by 10 numbers and words. Anyway Be on topic
  11. @[ConSecGroup] shoval029 Really! One update is good enough for an week unless there are problems that needs fixing. Also your name is long
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