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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Commissaire

  1. Congrats! Sabbi


  2. Good luck Scarface.

  3. Welcome back, Good continuation  !


  4. Happy Birthday  Copper !

    of best old admins in this community  and cf team leader old days ...


    1. Cooper's Freightmaster

      Cooper's Freightmaster

      Thank you very much for bringing back the past :D

  5. Skoda simply clever


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Umm, d'accord... :lol:

    3. Commissaire


      clever ca veut dire intelligent, mais sur le jeu  en multi EU 2 pas du tout :D

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Meanwhile, over at TMP...






      'Cause you know... the brakes.

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