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Veteran Driver VII
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About Cookienightstorm

  • Birthday May 17

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    United Kingdom
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    California: Los Angeles
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    United Kingdom: London
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    We are the UK's number one heart charity and through 50 years of funding cutting edge research we have already made a big difference to people's lives. But the landscape of heart disease is changing. More people survive a heart attack than ever before, and that combined with an ageing population means more people are now living with heart disease and need our help. As a result of this Alex and Yamyam sat down together and thought how they could give back to charity that's helped them and their families in many ways that wasn't possible. So as a thank you to the British heart foundation we are doing a 12 hour convoy on ETS2 to show support to other's out there their not alone. But we can't do it alone. We Need You. Join our fight for every heartbeat. This event is happening on the 14th of july 2018 Starting Location -- Calais, Sea Port Starting time -- truckfest 12.00pm BST followed by a 12 hour convoy Convoy starting time -- 13.00pm BST https://ets2c.com/view/73889/gamer5-teamehh-cd19-calais-sea-port Find us on facebook for more information. https://www.facebook.com/HeartbeatUnderTheHearts2018/

    1. Cookienightstorm


      Slots are going fast for the truckfest book in now before there gone 


    2. Michael Jacks

      Michael Jacks

      TSR booked :wub:

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