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Veteran Driver VII
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About Sunstrider

  • Birthday 06/01/1990

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Community Answers

  1. Due to the New Moderation Strategy Profiles will only show if they player has an active ban or not. Punishment Histories are set to Private for non staff. In game kick and bans will only show non staff a blue chat message if you're in the area. The reason is still shown to only staff. You can still see how many active bans someone has on their account page.
  2. I used to report as many major violations as i encountered during however many hours i played. But, i'm lazy editing the videos when i'm done. 7 days pass and it can't be reported any further. I just hope the same violators who done me wrong were reported by someone else.
  3. Just use the forum section: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/423-save-editing/
  4. Lowering the server cap won't solve anything. Maybe the amount of active bans a player has can limit the choice of servers you can pick from.
  5. Due to Youtube Copyright with songs, i can't listen to any music. Off Camera, i like Classic Rock from the 60's to 90's Video Game Music
  6. Just do your job(s), take screenshots of the results, and then log it. I don't use TrucksBook. My career logs the job and i just focus on the driving.
  7. Regardless CD Road isn't going to move there. When Austria was updated, Toast made a video about a new CD Road. Didn't take long before that "new" road died out.
  8. I'll do that later. I have to make an image so that it's condensed.
  9. I don't know why Discord does that. They are posted in the same place i've linked them from originally. At first, the links work as intended. The channel's in the same category i've used before. I can't upload them directly since i'm at the quota limit.
  10. Prague is in Czech Republic. Which is in the Going East DLC. Most players only care about the base map. Especially trolls, will not purchase the DLC every single time. The Sooner SCS updates Netherlands & Belgium, the sooner the road can change and/or be replaced. Along with the city of Calais. I don't like the outdated parts of the map. CD is where the population is at, and shall remain until 3 happens.
  11. The admins can use the time and resources for other areas. Then to worry about a limited time mod. Technically, the base map already looks like summer. Autumn Mod will be announced. Then the Winter Mod.
  12. With that statement, America will also be kicked. I get no less then 120 ping on the servers. The Asian Server is called SGP. 6 players on it right now. Clearly, population is concern, not locale.
  13. You're on a new account. You don't need to upgrade. Just lower your settings until things are stable. Players go where the new content is.
  14. If you don't like the restrictions set in place by TMP, you can always take your friends to SCS' Convoy Mode. Can't get reported. Can use whatever mods you want. Can go as fast as possible.
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