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Veteran Driver VII
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About soulhax

  • Birthday 03/23/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Preferred Trucks
    Western Star
  • EU Garage Location
    Estonia: Tallinn
  • Known languages
    Estonian, Russian, English and little bit of German.

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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11867 profile views

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  1. Suggestion Name: Estonian language to the selection of languages. Suggestion Description: Estonian language to the selection of languages you speak/understand on the /profile/settings page. Currently there are Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian languages in the list and some others but I'm not finding the Estonian language. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Would be nice if I could add to my profile that I speak my own native language as well (and it would be fair as well cause we have our neighbors in the list).
  2. Should I wait for the Hori trucking wheel set or go for the MOZA set? 🤔

    1. JCBBuilds


      Peronally I would wait until the Hori wheel is released so that you can get a better view on both wheels before deciding what one to get.

  3. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  4. soulhax


    Hei, Kui keegi veel mängib ja tahab VTC-s olla, siis oleks kohta pakkuda. Liituda saab siin: https://trucksbook.eu/company/24943 Hetkel grindin üksi ja ATSis.
  5.  Terejõudu, oleks huvitatud VTC'st.

    1. soulhax



      Mis VTC-st käib jutt? Ma ei mängi enam nii palju.

      Kui tahad ikkagi liituda siis https://trucksbook.eu/company/24943

    2. N1zzerable


      Arusaadav, no vaatab siis. Ma just otsin aktiivset kohta, kus sõita koos normaalsete tegelastega.


  6. Simulation they say... But I'm the only one who actually tries to simulate :D



    1. Ryotaink


      Well, if there isn't anyone around you are allowed to run red lights. So their choices :)

    2. soulhax


      Eeh still I'm talking about the simulation. Those lights are there for a reason ;)

    3. Courtz49


      if theres no on coming traffic people are allowed to go through the lights. some just enjoy playing the game :) 

  7. Finally a good update. Good job TruckersMP!

  8. No wonder people are crying that admins do nothing if 8-9 of them are just sitting in Squirrel's stream. Jeez. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      people don't need to cry thought if they record and report etc

    3. soulhax


      Well they are going to cry if there's guy blocking 20 minutes live on scene and 0 admins respond. Just saw something like that on Facebook's group.

    4. stilldre1976


      then they need to logout off mp fire up sp move down the road and relog back to the server works for more no need to feed the trolls they will get bored or banned in the end anyway :)

  9. Is there any Tony 747 friends who can tell him that he should add a name for this song remix: https://www.watzatsong.com/en/name-that-tune/568678.html

  10. Veider aga kõik postitused on kadunud siit alafoorumist. Vahet pole teeme uue. Kes pelab ATS v ETS võivad endast siin teada anda.
  11. Small timelapse ^_^



  12. ATS Right now. Admins?


  13. Haha TMP anthem:


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