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Veteran Driver VII
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About tcntad

  • Birthday November 6

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  • Known languages
    Swedish, English

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  1. Happy Birthday! ❤️ 🎂

    1. tcntad



  2. Happy Birthday 🥳

    1. tcntad


      thanks man!


  3. A wrinkle in time Take what is left of my life Before you go, show me what it's like to finally know The face behind the silhouette In this world I made to be infinite But within the expanse, I finally see A world without you isn't meant for me Where do you go when I close my eyes? What do you see looking back at me? Am I just a ghost just like you, caught between the Seams of two intertwining melodies?
  4. Supported! Add check every 1-2 year to see if it was used in forum/games tho and if found keep it for another 1-2 years
  5. While I do agree that this kinda parking shoudnt be allowed, its necessary sometimes to park in less convenient places. Open the door, answer phone, go to the restroom etc.
  6. I see there are some issues? Even tho this is 5hrs old but what are the issues?
  7. tcntad


    I Europa;)
  8. Yup.. Can reach town but as soon as we come near any companies it crashes
  9. Yes it has! Just weird how it would even start and let me go that far Thanks
  10. Thanks for your reply, see below Im driving a Scania but I know there were others around me, perhaps they had a volvo and caused it to crash to desktop? Edit: For some reason 7 failed to validate and has to be reaquired
  11. I get the same CTD today.. Out of the blue, just like that Took a job from Finland to Russia and it crashes about halfway from FI/RU border to Vyborg.. Always the same place. See attached files for logs. it would seem its my nvidia drivers or nvidia shadow but it doesnt matter if Im recording and I updated them yesterday without issues until now last_crash.log client_2022_11_04_log.txt
  12. tcntad


    Nästan varje dag
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