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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Enоt

  1. Truckersmp - Veteran Driver IX - Member since: 20 Jun 2015
    forum.truckersmp - Veteran Driver VII - Joined July 23, 2015

  2. ETS2  played 4400 hours 

    ATS  played 800 hours

    1. Charlolel


      Thats wild keep it up! Did you get all the of the achievements yet? 

    2. Enоt
  3. Veteran Driver VII?

  4. ETS MP played 4000 hours 

    ATS MP played 740 hours

  5. :tmp:Good morning everybody?

    1. AllstarDK


      Good morning Enot! ?

    2. PinkNub_


      Morning ☕ Enot ? Hope, you are doing good) 

    3. Hawk '==\/=='

      Hawk '==\/=='

      привет привет?

  6. ETS MP played 3800 hours 

    ATS MP played 700 hours

  7. ETS MP played 3700 hours 

    ATS MP played 600 hours

  8. ETS MP played 3500 hours 

    ATS MP played 400 hours

    1. Guest


      Nice xDDD

  9. ?Veteran Driver V?



    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Hello and have a nice day ? 

  11. Veteran Driver IV?

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