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About Gravat4

  • Birthday 09/22/1995

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy birthday my friend 

  3. happy birthday Gravat4! 🎂

  4. These events unburden C-D and bring the trolls to disturb when in different zone times. Prepare your patience or don't even go to this place.
  5. Thank you for the follow  ❤️

  6. Thank you for the follow ❤️ 

  7. Some itens should be exclusive to Patrons to preserve the purpose of innovation and vehicle appreciation. In a few days the trolls will destroy the purpose, the innovation, the character and the feature of these cars. Soon it will be another pilot vehicle, being misused, causing collisions on the roads.
  8. welcome back 😍

    1. GGF MD

      GGF MD

      Thank you! 

  9. Its me AzbrazilSP

    1. HandOfClash


      Welcome back! What happened to your old account? 

    2. Gravat4


      The name AzbrasilSP was reclaimed by a person who used the same name and because he had a large and old YouTube channel, he asked me to delete mine or I would have legal problems. I decided to delete everything I had in AzbrasilSP
      Also at the beginning I had a lot of problems with games, because it started with az, it was an abbreviation for a swear word and that also bothered me, in the end it was good for everyone.

    3. HandOfClash


      Ohh, I see. Yikes!

  10. Avoid future inconvenience, read the rules of each event and have fun safely. When you break one of these rules you must face the consequences. The time for sending the video evidence is up to 1 day, so wait for it to be revealed where you do a mistake. You can still appeal your ban Good luck
  11. I'm grateful for the instructions @djoh thanks to you I managed to complete all the remaining trips without any problems. This was undoubtedly a great help for any community that may be facing this same problem. Thank you very much!
  12. I completed 33 deliveries and my profile is still 07/10, what happens??
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