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  1. How did you get it in? I don't understand save-editing enough to figure it out.
  2. How would it be possible to save-edit Ownership of this truck, to then use it freely in TMP? Not really asking how I could prevent it from running out of charge, although I'm assuming I can just use Truck-Simulator-Tools program (that I use to save-edit most things). I just don't know how to save edit modifications, or anything that's actually within the files (as I assume this would be).
  3. If you keep the TAB menu up, don't, it uses up FPS. Otherwise what the other person said, about keeping unnecessary apps closed. If you just have ETS2 running, that's ideal. And I have nothing else to add, but if what I initially said is something you do, it'll help (or it should).
  4. I think TMP could benefit in general if it could detect crashes and who was "at fault" for it. Although there are outside factors to crashes and (maybe this hurts my argument) people like me only like to report the TROLLS. I took a RAM to the back the other day, cause the guy claimed it was LAG. I can 'save-edit,' so it's fine. But I was ready to report if he was trolling, cause that's just annoying. Also I tend to get into small crashes, that no one really has ever reports for, because they are actually accidents. So I guess this whole topic is complicated....I think the best thing would to basically HAVE to just have a lot of playtime to unlock the car....although I don't think getting rid of the car solves getting rid of Trolls. It might help though. I think your question-test suggestion though could be useful in weeding out Trolls (maybe before even being able to play TMP, although that might be controversial). Although it would need to be universal in my book. Me as a US-player I don't really understand European Signage. Anyway- if this adds to the conversation.
  5. At least for ProMods server, I see no reason to really remove them. *(directed in general) Yes, rules exist in TMP to "make people follow realism," but I think removing them for "this is a truck game," is not a good reason. If someone's driving a car, they could be in a truck with no trailer (what's really the difference?). People have different ways of playing; it may not be the way, you or I play, but it is the way they play. Why cut them off? ... I see people suggesting restrictions, but- If anything that just punishes the general player. It would make more sense if one is Trolling, make Trolling too annoying to even want to participate in. Now there's the issue of detecting who is or who isn't trolling, but- And I'm not really giving you an idea of how to make it annoying. But a Troll isn't going to be deterred by a longer ban, instead of a ban, just kick them like after 1 minute of them being logged on, for the duration they're banned for. OR, a good idea, just put the Troll in a non-collisions mode. So they can play, but they can't play how they want to. Maybe make it so other players can't see them...cause I could see how this would get Trollable. And IKIK, "these people deserve to be banned," but the if the ban isn't deterring them, then this is more of a solution in my book.
  6. Depends, I tend to just keep them off...cause it seems like most players (at least on Promods sever) do it "correctly."
  7. Promods, because why play on Sim1 otherwise? On Promods you may have higher speedlimits, but for me, you barely encounter "bad actors," besides people just always wanting to pass you on the Kirkenes Quarry road.
  8. I think the Scania S handles better. It feels like the steering is more direct. The Volvo FH 2014 feels like it floats. But I wonder if that's because it's an older truck? But the Volvo might have a better dash layout (even if the Scania has a modern nice one)...although I dislike that the Speedometer is in KM/H, but you got the digital speedo. It's just hard for me to internalize reference for KM/H, so I have to keep MPH available. And I don't want to drive a Right-Hand drive truck...... I do plan on buying (I think) an older Scania when I play again. So I'll have to mentally compare it.
  9. Found in the rules. And just to clarify things. 1. Is it ok to depart with double/triple trailers out of Kirkenes (as long as you don't enter the Kirkenes Quarry Road)? 2. For the Kirkenes Quarry road, is there any point (off-peak time) that double/triple (I'd assume never triple), would be allowed down the quarry road? Thank you.
  10. Makes it more realistic for me, is my POV. I could see if removing cars/buses got rid of trolls, but it won't. I don't use them, but I don't see the harm in having them. And this is just my opinion, your opinion is your opinion. Although I could agree with the sentiment if cars were majority used by players, rather than trucks. And everyone spent time driving cars rather than trucking.
  11. Regular because the digital feels weird, and messes with my head. Same reason I don't use the HUD gps, it's too distracting. *Although a good point is that you maybe just don't "look" at your digital mirrors, and instead keep looking at the road as that other person said. For F2 mirrors, I use none.
  12. 80mph 124km/h *Although I might switch it up cause its a little fast for the scale (I just like knowing I'm optimizing my time more than if I was doing 65 for example), but some stretches definitely 80mph.
  13. Realize (or know) that I've read the entirety of in-game rules, yesterday. Know for sure what you are talking about, before you just attempt to be correct. "Traffic laws and road signage must be obeyed. This means European road laws and signage must be followed in ETS2 and American road laws and signage must be followed in ATS. Failure to adhere to the respective road laws, and signage, and local lane closures represented by smart signs (see §2.7) may result in a punishment. Traffic lights and stop signs can be ignored if no other users are in the immediate area." And pay attention to what I said "If the rules stated that all traffic rules had to be followed at all times, then they'd have a good point." These traffic rules do not have to be followed at all times. I'm not arguing opinion, I'm stating fact.
  14. Initially I like the idea of AI Traffic, but I think I like the idea more on the basis that it will encourage players to go anywhere in the map versus only the most popular areas. The reason I don't necessarily like AI Traffic, is that it kind of negatively impacts my driving style. Which is a little more "careless" when people are not around and a lot faster than AI Traffic will drive, and I can't be so "careless" if AI Traffic was there that I'd have to constantly worry about it. Although I think with SCS' Convoy, it's a necessary thing. And will hopefully revive the servers to what they once were. Yes, you can use Mods in convoy, but I'd think AI traffic is a bigger reason. In the past I liked AI traffic more, but as long as I see a few players on my journey, I really could care less. But I think without AI there will continue to be journeys where you see no other players; so it's a "double-edged sword." And it especially sucks if you don't live in Europe, cause I tend to play on the more off-peak hours since the servers start dying down around 5pm Eastern Standard Time? And the Americans really don't play either game on TMP, it seems. IDK if that has to do with 'Convoy' and them choosing to play that over the relatively dead servers, or what?
  15. Just to defend you. I do not like the "you choose the wrong game" mentality; I think it's toxic. People seem to be in the camp of forcing people how to play. If there's no one around it doesn't matter how you play. I completely understand following lights, or stop signs when players are around. That makes sense. You can do both. People say "it's a simulation," but IRL you can go as fast as you want. I don't like the speed limits, I think there shouldn't be any; besides the popular roads or cities, since that makes sense. My mentality is that it's a game, just don't disrupt the players that do want to take it more seriously. I drive 80mph everywhere, but that's not in Sim1 of course. No matter the speed limits there will always be trolls. And people don't recognize no driving game is like ETS2 or ATS; "my way or no way." Just mad because people aren't playing the game like they want them to. I understand being mad at trolls, but you can drive what people call "reckless" and still follow all rules when needed. If the rules stated that all traffic rules had to be followed at all times, then they'd have a good point.
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