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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by Omer_D

  1. If you need something hardcore;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creatured


      nightcore and hardcore are not the same different

    3. McFreshi


      'something hardcore'

    4. McFreshi


      ^srry for speeded up version T_T the only version allowed in germany xD

  2. On that day, a legend was born

  3. It is wrong in so many ways but... Still... wow... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBDrN-goois

  4. I just downloaded and player Carmageddon 2. GOD I missed that game since I first played in 2002 :D

  5. I don't know why when I listen this I wanna do 160 km/h on EU2 server

    1. MrHarv98
    2. Creatured


      gotta go fast (headphone users beware)
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