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GMT - Lobo do Oriente

Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by GMT - Lobo do Oriente

  1. They are very good trucks, first for their power and second for their size, but I prefer the Cascadia freightliner.
  2. Obrigado por me esguir😃

  3. Actually the cloud allows your game to use the storage to save your profile or save and vice versa, when we create the new profile we have the option to enable the cloud or not, I myself do not enable it and have my profile and save all regardless of whether I uninstall the game or not, try doing that too and see if it works for you, have a nice day.
  4. very cool the event, just waiting for the day to arrive to participate
  5. Yes, with wires they are better, my phone already comes with a microphone, it is not one of the best but you can enjoy it
  6. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703755023594815528/1089891295436230676/ets2_20230204_204803_00.png, Always acting and giving assistance, guaranteeing that everything happens safely, our group is always at the disposal of the players.

  7. Bom dia á todos, e que tenham um bom começo de semana

  8. Bom trabalho, excelente trabalho á todos os envolvidos
  9. Bom começo de semana á todos

  10. Muito bom, uma coisa nova para interagir mais no fórum
  11. Bom começo de semana á todos

  12. Bom dia á todos e bom final de semana!

  13. Very good sound effects of the game, the ambiance was excellent with the sounds and effects inside the game
  14. Сделайте следующее, сначала зайдите в диспетчер задач и посмотрите, открыт ли в процессах исполняемый файл trucksmp, даже если он выдал ошибку, завершите процесс, после этого зайдите в строку поиска windows и введите [ Выполнить ], после появления вкладки введите [ %appdata% ], в открывшемся окне удалите все папки с именем Trucksmp, после этого снова зайдите в [ Выполнить ] и введите [ %localappdata% ], и удалите папку trucksmp в этой открывшейся вкладке, снова зайдите в [ Выполнить ] и введите [ services. msc ], он откроет службы windows и найдите [ Quality Windows Audio Video Experience ] и проверьте, является ли он автоматическим, если он имеет ручной, просто дайте 2 щелчка на качество, остановить службу, затем выберите автоматический и запустить службу и применить, затем перезагрузите компьютер и проверить, если это решило вашу проблему
  15. A surprise and new content is coming, the video clearly shows this
  16. This topic is very cool, today I am part of a group specialized in convoy escorts, I specialize in this type of convoys and I carry out the same whenever necessary, for beginners it is always good to have these events to become familiar with convoys and similar.
  17. Good morning, based on your question, the companies you can go with this type of trailer are the NBFC or WGCC which are the biggest in the game, not to mention Aci which is in Hannover, try to use better highways for better locomotion and enter and get out of places that could snag your trailer, hope this helps and good luck.
  18. Obrigado por me seguir, nos vemos nas estradas

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