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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by R1ch1e

  1. cant say i blame you for leaving at all, good  luck with your future endeavours 

  2. Welcome back to the team!

  3. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back to the TMP team

  4. Kilometre
  5. 438
  6. 485
  7. Congrats!!!!

    1. ZaroMW


      Thank you so much ? ❤️

  8. 589
  9. 639
  10. 648
  11. 664
  12. radiation
  13. 667
  14. 679
  15. males take it down by 1 and females take it up by 1 ? and im male
  16. 683
  17. successful thought id steal part of your word ?
  18. 688
  19. 694
  20. 696
  21. good evening ?
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