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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by RyanUK

  1. All servers offline. Technical glitch? http://prnt.sc/a2sm1u Hope they are back up soon.
  2. You say you have fixed the "Authorization", But I'm also getting Website down Error521 when trying to login I WAS ABLE TO UPDATE
  3. How come I had 50/60 FPS when ETS2 MP was running on 32 bit. But now that ETS2 & ATS MP are running on 64 bit, that I'm only getting around 30 FPS. Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q8300 Nvidia GTX 650 6GB Ram
  4. When you connect a Xbox 360 &/or Xbox One controller, no settings have to be changed, other than configuring the buttons in game.
  5. The only mods allowed are from: http://metaltigersa.co.za/and the lights mod and hybrid trucks
  6. Not impressed with the 2400 slot for players and for the lowered speed - very dissapointed
  7. I just saved the forum webpage the the front of my page of my phone and it opens the forum up.
  8. What Input Wizard are you using? Are you using any program to recognise the Xbox Controller? What version on Windows are you using?
  9. Support is working for me, maybe W10. Try all browsers. I'm using Google Chrome
  10. Will launching the game in Direct X make any performance improvements within the game? I got Direct X 11. Can I still "Launch with Direct X"?
  11. RyanUK

    Fps drop

    I try to only use the GTX 750 ti when I know there is going to be a huge Convoy. I wish I had it for the ETR convoy that had over 200 players, unfortunately, I didn't. The 750 ti, doesn't run as smooth with the CPU I got now, so I'm saving for an i5. That's why I only use it, when I know my 650 wont be able to handle what i'm running.
  12. RyanUK

    Fps drop

    Since they have moved the servers closer to the UK, but still in French Borders. I've seen an increase in FPS. Gone from around 12-15 FPS in convoy and on my own, to a staggering 40-50 FPS. And I got: Intel Core Quad 2 GTX 650 (sometimes GTX 750 ti) 6 GB of ram I'm guessing the server has moved further away from you or your connection/internet speed has dropped.
  13. I'm guessing English is not your first language. What exactly is the problem?
  14. Thank You ETS Trucker. Worked a dream.
  15. I currently have Capital FM & Kiss FM working perfectly fine. Capital FM: stream_data[25]: "http://media-ice.musicradio.com/CapitalSouthWalesMP3|CapitalRadio|Misc|EN|128|0" Kiss Fm: stream_data[26]: "http://tx.whatson.com/icecast_bauer.php?i=kissnationallow.mp3|KissRadio|Misc|EN|128|0" But I can't get Nation Radio to work. I am unable to fine the right line of code in the source code: Copy Everything Inside Brackets (view-source:nationradio.com/radioplayer/) This is what I have currently: stream_data[124]: "http://tx.sharp-stream.com/radioplayer.php?c=tcnationaac|NationRadio|Misc|EN|128|0" But it does not work. Could anyone fine the correct code line which will work/ Or has anyone else already use Nation Radio? & don't mind posting it here. Thank You FYI, Links will show up, but they don't lead anywhere.
  16. If the problem occurs again, just put ets2mp.com - This is what I use No need for http:// or www.
  17. This is a good idea. But I will miss going through the rejected pile and seeing excuses . But seeing as I hopefully won't get banned - Nothing I need to worry about.
  18. The LAG is when too many people gather in 1 area. I'm no computer expert, but I'm guessing to solve this, that you would need a more powerful system to run ETS2 MP, Which isn't optional
  19. Thank God. The yards were giving me a headache
  20. The sound of passing trucks, idle trucks and horns have all got louder when in cab view (no.1). Want to know if this is deliberate from the new update?
  21. Why has the sound got louder inside the cab? When your in a company yard, you have to turn down your volume down, but you can't if your in TS.
  22. How about making all bus stations a non collision zone. I was at a convoy yesterday, the meeting point was at a bus station and someone spawned on top of me, resulting in my truck and trailer being 100% damaged.
  23. Poland Gdansk - Sanbuilders - NO NON COLLISION ZONE
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