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About frost2921

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Online gaming
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  • EU Garage Location
    Czech Republic: Praha
  • Known languages
    English, Czech

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  1. Yes the OpenGL thing helped. Thank you for helping. Thanks very much. I have found yet another solution. Not that practical but works for me too. When you are starting the multiplayer don't click any other app before it loads to log in.
  2. My game freezes when I firstly alt+tab from it and then back. The game is running but I can't move with mouse when in menu or when in game I can't move with anything. I can hear that the game is still running but the picture freezes and I must restart the game. It happens only sometimes and I did not come up why does it happens. Only solution is always restart the game if it happens and always check when in menu before even logging in if the game freezes after alt+tabbing or not. If yes restart and try again. Sometimes it even happened thrice in a row for me. PS: I tried the guide where I run as administrator and it did not work at all.
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