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Chance The Pup

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Chance The Pup

  1. “Another Day Another Dollor As Long As I’m Rolling”

  2. Hope All Is Well This Morning Or Night Depending On Where You Live Of Course ! ❤️

  3. I’ve been around for 3 technically but the profile was remade this past year or so ?

  4. Welcome to the forums ! 

  5. What does this mean ? I’ve seen things like 78 or like mine where it’s at 84 for my reputation but a - reputation is new for me to see what does it mean just curious? 



  6. Thanks for the follow! Have one back at ya! 

    1. m3rcyftw


      Thank ü, have a wonderful day ❤️

    2. Chance The Pup
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