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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Kааn

  1. Kааn

    6 or 12 Speed?

    Hello fellow truckers! Do you prefer 6 or 12 speed transmission, and why? Please add reasons why would you choose that so we all can learn more about which transmission would be more convenient with different truck or load combinations! For me, I use 12 speed. I usually carry loads between 20-35 tons and I don’t really care about the acceleration. 12 speed helps much with heavy loads too. It’s much easier to carry loads with a 12 speed transmission, especially in uphills. I am looking forward for your answers! Sincerely, Kaan
  2. I don’t really like light loads. I prefer moderate, from 20 tons to 35. Feeling the load makes my driving experience more enjoyable.
  3. I like that it’s a separate server, so Sim 1 will be more realistic which I will be playing in. The users who wants to play more arcade but still with road rules and collisions will prefer Sim 2.
  4. I use iOS. I always think that it’s really easy to use and clean.
  5. The color combination is really nice! I would prefer straw or refrigerator. Enjoy!
  6. 2017, December. Good old days, I created my account for ETS2.
  7. Rest in peace, legend. 

  8. Glad to see the performance update!
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